Blade Runner 2099 is an upcoming Amazon Prime limited series that will serve as a direct sequel to 2017’s Blade Runner 2049. While Denis Villeneuve’s film starred Ryan Gosling, the new series, as reported by Deadline, will star Oscar-winning Michelle Yeoh.
Variety reported, adding to the details that, Yeoh would portray Olwen, a figure who is characterized as:
"A replicant near the end of her life."
Although specifics about the narrative are being withheld, it is clear that Blade Runner 2099 will carry on the themes and narratives that began with filmmaker Ridley Scott's iconic Blade Runner, which was based on Philip K. Dick's 1968 dystopian novel Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?
Blade Runner 2099 casts the star of Everything Everywhere All at Once in a lead role
Amazon began working on a Blade Runner sequel series back in 2022, but the project hasn't been heard from much since. Now that the Hollywood labor strikes in 2023 which had delayed the series's release by over a year are over, production on Blade Runner 2099 has resumed.
Annapurna Interactive, an independent publisher turned game developer revealed at last year's Annapurna Interactive Showcase that they are working on a game called Blade Runner 2033: Labyrinth. The video game will be set between the original film and 2049, with fans playing Blade Runner after the happenings of the anime film Black Out 2022.
The original Ridley Scott-directed Blade Runner (1982) features Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), who is tasked to seek down and destroy replicants in the future. Replicants are life-like androids who were intended to be laborers, but many rebel and want to lead their own lives.
The film investigates mankind while serving as a visual neo-noir extravaganza, and the legacy sequel Blade Runner 2049 maintains this theme. Set to continue this legacy even further is the upcoming Blade Runner 2099.
Fans have now also received thrilling news that Michelle Yeoh, the star of Everything Everywhere All at Once, will appear on the small screen in Prime Video's upcoming Sci-Fi. The 61-year-old actress has confirmed the same via her Instagram story.
Michelle Yeoh is not the only talent that has been linked to Blade Runner 2099; Silka Luisa, known for penning the Halo series, was previously revealed as showrunner and executive producer. Ridley Scott has also been hired on as an executive producer, with David W. Zucker and Clayton Krueger.
The first two episodes will be directed and executive produced by Shōgun director Jonathan van Tulleken. However, a premiere date has not yet been revealed by Prime Video.
Yeoh, who recently made a splash at the Met Gala in New York in an aluminum foil-inspired Balenciaga gown, has been in timeless films such as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and others.
Blade Runner 2099 is scheduled to begin production in Prague in June of this year. Yeoh also wrapped production on the forthcoming Star Trek: Section 31 online feature from Discovery in March, reprising her role as Emperor Georgiou. Paramount+ has yet to announce a release date for Section 31.
Viewers may catch up on the franchise by watching Blade Runner 2049 on Apple TV+ while they wait for an official announcement regarding the premiere date of Blade Runner 2099.