On August 13, 2024, Netflix released its latest comedy installment, Matt Rife: Lucid—A Crowd Work Special. The 54-minute special was filmed at The Comedy Zone in Charlotte, North Carolina, a shift from traditional stand-up comedy, focusing exclusively on interactions with the audience.
Matt Rife initially gained popularity through his social media presence on platforms like YouTube and Facebook, with his approach to crowd work. The method previously earned him a substantial online following and recognition in the comedy circuit.
Notably, this is not Rife's inaugural Netflix special because he released his first on the platform last year, which, despite its success, faced substantial backlash due to jokes that many considered offensive, including a particularly controversial remark about domestic violence.
The recurrence of such content did not resonate well with a portion of the audience, leading to considerable criticism. Nevertheless, Netflix has decided to partner with Rife again, which has ignited a fresh wave of disbelief and criticism among viewers and critics alike.
Fans rage on Netflix for launching another Matt Rife special
Netflix's decision to release another Matt Rife special has drawn major flak from viewers, many of whom took to social media to express their disapproval. The crux of the discontent stems from a previous incident in which Rife made a controversial joke about domestic violence, which many criticized as insensitive.
The history has led to a lingering dissatisfaction, which resurfaced with the release of his latest special.
Tweets from viewers like “@netflix why are you doing another matt rife special? I cringed so hard seeing his face pop up on my tv just now” exemplify the criticism.
The disapproval extends beyond Rife's controversial humor; many questioned Netflix's selection criteria for comedy specials.
As one user questioned, "Have y'all thought about giving specials to people that are funny and do comedy?"
The sentiment points out a broader discontent with what some perceive as lowering standards in the comedic content endorsed by Netflix. The special has focused entirely on crowd work and is seen by some as lacking the depth and creativity of more traditional stand-up comedy, which has added to the dissatisfaction.
Despite these controversies, some viewers appreciate Rife's approach to comedy, pointing out his ability to engage with the audience spontaneously. Supporters argue that his style brings a refreshing dynamism to the stand-up scene, which can often feel rehearsed.
Comments from fans like “I just finished Netflix show. He was absolutely brilliant and his crowd work is incredible .. one of the best comedy I’ve seen in a long time.” show that there is still an audience for Rife’s brand of humor.
However, the social media backlash has been notably intense, with many users vocal about their distaste for both the content and Netflix's decision to continue promoting Rife. The special's 48 percent Audience Score on Rotten Tomatoes indicates a divided reception.
The controversy has sparked discussions about the nature of comedy, what should be considered off-limits, and the responsibilities of platforms like Netflix in curating content. Netflix's strategy appears to be leaning towards more populist content, as seen with Lucid. This approach aims to capture a broader demographic, potentially at the cost of alienating those who favor a different style of humor.
The ongoing debate places Netflix at the center of a conversation about the balance between creative freedom and cultural sensitivity, pointing to the challenges streaming platforms face in addressing diverse viewer sensibilities.
Watch Matt Rife: Lucid - A Crowd Work Special on Netflix.