Terry Crews, the renowned actor of Brooklyn Nine-Nine and the host of the talent show America's Got Talent, recently shared intimate details regarding his family life. In an interview with People on September 12, 2024, Terry revealed that his wife, Rebecca King-Crews, had suffered three miscarriages.
Crews shared these emotional details while reflecting on a moving performance from Sky Elements, which aired during the semi-finals of America's Got Talent on Wednesday, September 11, 2024.
In the interview, discussing the pain and heartbreak that the couple has faced, Terry said:
"Me and my wife, we know what it's like to lose a child. We've had three miscarriages."
Terry Crews reflects on emotional 'AGT' performance
The actor's revelations came after an emotional drone performance choreographed to Lily Meola's 2022 song, Butterfly, which told the story of losing a child. The display deeply resonated with Terry, who described it as meaningful and special. He highlighted how the performance mirrored his own experience of loss.
"It's one of those things where it was so meaningful and special because the dedication is just, it's a way to process these things," he said.
Terry also noted how much the American Got Talent audience needed such an emotional presentation, stating,
"This is the perfect AGT show today. We balanced out everything. We had the laughs, we had the dedications, we had the fun, we had the dancing. It was just all over the place and it was perfect."
As he navigated the challenges in his life, Terry Crews mentioned that he turned to music to process his emotions.
"I sit in a room and listen to music and it helps me process … all the things I’m feeling," Terry shared.
For him, music creates a safe space for healing and reflection.
In addition to music, Terry Crews emphasized the importance of open communication with his wife, Rebecca King-Crews, as a coping strategy. He explained how the two take time to engage in deep conversations during tough times.
"We talk it out. We have really, really nice long, deep conversations. Turn the TV off, turn the phone off and let's just talk it through," Terry said,
He added that these conversations leave him feeling empowered to face anything.
"It's amazing what that does. You know what I mean? Definitely. It really, truly, you turn around an hour later you're like, 'Wow, I can handle anything.'"
Terry Crews and Rebecca's journey began in 1987 when they first started dating. At the time, Rebecca was a single mother to her daughter Naomi, now 37 years old. The couple married two years later, in 1989, and Terry adopted Naomi as his own. Over the years, the couple has expanded their family, welcoming three daughters—Azriél (33), Tera (26), and Wynfrey (21)—and a son, Isaiah (19).
Terry Crews has often spoken about the importance of family in his life. In a 2022 interview with Parade, he reflected on his role as a father and how it has shaped his legacy.
"The movies and all the things I've done? They're not my legacy," Terry Crews said. "It's really my son, and my daughters, and my family. That's the legacy."
Terry Crews currently hosts NBC's America's Got Talent, which is airing its 19th season. In addition to his hosting duties, Crews is set to star in the upcoming film Dashing Through the Snow, a Disney+ holiday comedy expected to be released in late 2024.
In addition to his hosting role on America's Got Talent and other upcoming projects, Terry Crews is also starring in the action-comedy film The Killer's Game, which will be released on September 13, 2024. The film follows a thrilling plot where Crews plays a central role, adding to his diverse filmography.