The Penguin episode 3 titled Bliss premiered on Max and HBO on October 6, 2024. Starring Colin Farrell as Oswald Cobb, the show takes place a week after the events of The Batman and focuses on the aftermath of Carmine Falcone's death. With the top spot open in Gotham's criminal underworld, a gang war is brewing with Oswald right in the middle of it all gunning for that big prize.
Episode 3 of The Penguin set up a lot to come in the future. It delved further into Victor's life in Gotham showcasing how his family passed away during The Riddler's flooding, and then the episode focused on Oswald and Sofia trying to find a distributor for the new strain of their drug. However, with the Maronis revealing that Oswald has been crossing them in front of Sofia, things get complicated.
With this week's outing of the show ending on a cliffhanger, fans will surely be anticipating the upcoming episode of the show, and they will be glad to know that it premieres on October 13, 2024. The episode, which will be titled Cent'Anni, will be available to watch next Sunday on HBO and Max at 9 pm ET.
The Penguin episode 4 release time explored
Fans can tune in for The Penguin episode 4 when it premieres next week at 9 pm ET on October 13, 2024. Since the episode will premiere as per the Eastern Standard Time format, the release time for the show will differ based on the different time zones fans are in. The table below will tell when the show might premiere in the respected time zone.
Where to watch The Penguin episode 4?
Fans can tune in for the next episode of the DC series on Max when it premieres on October 13, 2024. However, viewers will need to be living in a region where Max is available. For fans in the UK, you can tune in for the show on Sky Atlantic and NOW. For fans in India, the show can be checked out on JioCINEMA.
However, viewers will require a valid subscription for these services. If they already have a subscription, then the show will be available to them at no further cost.
Recap of The Penguin episode 3
Episode 3 of the Colin Farrell-starrer opened up with a flashback to the third act of The Batman where Victor lost his parents due to the Riddler blowing up the sea wall and flooding the city. Reuniting with his girlfriend then, she reveals that she is moving to California and she would like him to come with her. Victor then agrees but reveals that he will have to sort it out with Oswald first.
At the same time, Oswald and Sofia are trying to find a distributor for their new drug and approach the Triads. Asking for their help, they blackmail Johnny Vitti into putting a good word for them and a trial run is set up. With Victor taking the lead on the job, he does well by supplying the drugs. However, Victor's PTSD triggers at the same time surrendering him to go to the washroom and take a time out.
Oswald is then able to successfully get the Triads onboard for their new drug and goes to tell Victor whom he finds in the washroom. However, Oswald finds that Victor is planning on leaving him to run off with his girlfriend. After a bit of back and forth, Oswald tells Victor to leave, and while Victor is going to get on the bus with his girlfriend, he changes his mind at the last moment and goes back to Oswald.
At the same time, Oswald and Sofia are talking about the deal and their past outside the club, but then they are ambushed by Nadia Maroni who reveals that they have been keeping tabs on Oz and know that he is playing both sides. Having them at gunpoint, Oswald and Sofia are saved by Victor who rams his car into the Maroni goons. He then escapes with Oswald leaving Sofia behind.
What can fans expect from The Penguin episode 4?
As per the preview for The Penguin episode 4, fans can expect to see an episode heavily based around Sofia Falcone. By the looks of it, fans will get to see Sofia's descent into madness in this episode and how the fallout between her and Oswald previously took place.
Alongside that, fans will also get to see her sent to Arkham and what led her to become the Hangman. The preview for episode 4 also promises that fans will also be graced with Mark Strong's Carmine Falcone in the show. However, it remains unclear how big of a role he will have.
For more updates on The Penguin by Lauren LeFranc starring Colin Farrell, Cristin Milioti, and Rhenzy Feliz, stay tuned with us.