The Penguin season finale, titled Great or Little Thing, is scheduled to release on HBO and Max on November 10, 2024. The penultimate episode, titled Top Hat, was released on November 3, 2024, featuring Sofia Gigante and Sal Maroni seeking revenge on Oswald Cobb after kidnapping his mother, Francis Cobb.
Top Hat sets up the upcoming season finale dramatically, culminating in the death of Sal Maroni. Although Oswald appears to be a step ahead in the game, Sofia gains the upper hand by bombing his Bliss operation while still holding his mother captive.
The penultimate episode also sets up Oswald's backstory, which the preview for The Penguin season finale teases will be explored further.
The Penguin season finale release time explored as per daylight savings
A new episode of The Penguin premieres every Sunday at 9 pm Eastern Standard Time. Hence, fans can expect The Penguin season finale to drop at the same time as well. However, since the episode is released in Eastern Standard Time, the timing will vary for viewers in other regions. Not to mention, with daylight savings, there will be further differences in timing as well.
Below is a table that will tell you when the episode will premiere in the different time zones.
Where to watch The Penguin season finale?
The Penguin season finale will be available to watch on Max and HBO in the USA and other regions where it is accessible when it releases on November 10, 2024. To watch the show in India, fans will be able to check out the episode on JIO Cinema. For fans in the UK, they can catch the episode on Sky Atlantic and NOW tv.
However, to watch The Penguin season finale, fans will require a valid subscription to these services.
The Penguin episode 7 recap
The Penguin episode 7 begins with a flashback of Oswald's younger life. It showcases his relationship with his mother and the jealousy he feels toward his brothers, which leads him to kill them. In the present day, he returns to Crown Point only to learn from Victor that his mom has been kidnapped by Sofia. At the same time, Sal arrives and sends Victor away to assemble men.
Sal then threatens Oswald to take him to his Bliss operation or his mother will die. When Oswald takes him there, a fight breaks out between the two groups. Oswald and Sal engage in a fistfight, but Sal ends up getting a heart attack and dies. Meanwhile, Sofia interrogates Francis Cobb but learns of her illness. She then asks Julian for help with Francis.
Julian notifies her that her niece Gia thinks that she killed her entire family. Sofia then goes down to talk to Gia at the kids' shelter and convinces her that it wasn't her who did it. Noticing self-harm marks on Gia's arm, Sofia holds her close and tells her that she will be getting a better life.
Oswald then calls her and tells her that Sal is dead and that she should let his mother go if she wants the Bliss. Instead, Sofia ends up bombing Oswald's Bliss operation and tells him that if he wants to see his mother, then he should come and get her.
What can fans expect from The Penguin season finale?
Going into The Penguin season finale, fans can expect to see the climactic battle between Oswald Cobb and Sofia Gigante. With Sofia still holding Francis Cobb and having ruined his Bliss operation, Oswald will be out for blood.
Aside from that, viewers can expect to see more of Oswald's backstory, as the preview for the upcoming season finale teases more scenes set in the past. Not to mention, more scenes with Rex Calabrese as well.
For further updates on the show, stay tuned with us.