ABC’s The Rookie is a police-procedural drama that delves into the life of John Nolan, a 45-year-old recently divorced police officer from Pennsylvania. The series has to date seen the release of six seasons, with season 6 premiering recently in May 2024 with a total of 10 episodes.
The show and its protagonist, portrayed by Nathan Fillion, take inspiration from an actual police office named Bill Norcross, a friend of executive producer Jon Steinberg. Norcross is reportedly still in the LAPD and is an executive producer on the series as well. Regardless, The Rookie boasts an impressive ensemble cast and features a range of police officers who are colleagues of Nolan.
Among them is officer Aaron Thorsen, portrayed by Tru Valentino, a character who has become a bit of a fan favorite and has been part of the series since Season 4. However, according to TVLine, the character is now set to undergo an exit, as Valentino’s tenure as a central character on The Rookie is set to come to an end. He will not be returning as a season regular, although his arc is expected to be explained in the upcoming iteration.
Tru Valentino’s Aaron Thorsen will not be a a series regular for season 7 of The Rookie
Tru Valentino was first seen in The Rookie back in season 4, which released in May 2022. Introduced as a rookie cop who John Nolan takes under his wing, Aaron Thorsen quickly became a central character and has since regularly featured in the show.
Thorsen himself was a bit of a controversial character in the beginning and was shown to have a sketchy past, which also included a murder charge. However, he eventually underwent a transformation and became a fan favorite under the mentorship of Detective Nyla Harper, portrayed by Mekia Cox, and Nolan himself.
Furthermore, Thorsen also underwent a romantic arc alongside Celina Juarez, who is portrayed by Lisseth Chavez, and has in recent seasons gone strength-to-strength. However, fans who enjoyed his character arc and transformation into a bona fide and honest cop will be disappointed, considering he is now set to leave the show.
The Rookie season 7 is not only set to see the departure of Aaron Thorsen as a major character; it will also see the introduction of several new faces. It is currently unclear how Thorsen’s arc, or absence, will be explained in the upcoming season. However, he is not expected to be a part of season 7 and may be seen in future iterations, if only to conclude his character arc once and for all.
Regardless, new faces that are set to replace his character include Deric Augustine, who will be taking on the role of Miles, and Patrick Keleher, who will be taking on the role of Seth for the upcoming season of The Rookie. The decision does not seem to be related to Tru Valentino himself and seems to be part of a wider cast shake-up, which has been a trend with The Rookie thus far.
Major characters portrayed by the likes of Mercedes Masohn, Afton Williamson, and Titus Makin Jr. have already seen their arcs being concluded in previous seasons. As things stand, Tru Valentino’s Aaron Thorsen is also expected to undergo the same fate.
Regardless, The Rookie season 7 is expected to premiere midseason in 2025 and will see a total of 18 episodes being released. This is a cause for celebration, as season 6 only included a total of 10 episodes.
Still, as fans await further updates about the upcoming iteration, they might be somewhat concerned with the fact that Tru Valentino will not be a part of season 7.