Netflix’s upcoming docu-series, The Man with 1000 Kids, which delves into the life of Jonathan Meijer, is set to hit the streaming platform on July 3. As the title suggests, the series will delve into a unique case, that of Dutch musician/content creator Jonathan Meijer, who was reported to be an utterly prolific sperm donor and ended up fathering hundreds of children across the country.
Meijer assumed to have been born in 1981 or 1982, is estimated to have fathered at least 550-600 kids over the years after tricking a plethora of women around the world to father his offspring.
Regardless, the YouTuber is now known to have returned to his home country, according to his official YouTube account. He was ordered by a court in April last year to write to clinics around the world to destroy any further samples that he may have supplied to them. Furthermore, he has continued his work as a content creator and now posts videos related to his journey.
Where is Jonathan Meijer now?
Meijer was instructed to destroy the samples he had sent to clinics worldwide and faced potential fines of up to £88,000 per donation if caught donating sperm again.
Despite this, he now creates YouTube content discussing his experiences, including advice on overcoming challenges. He is currently traveling and recently mentioned in a video declining an offer to participate in a Netflix documentary initially titled The Fertility Fraudster.
Furthermore, he also criticized the title of the Netflix series, claiming that the ‘1000 kids’ statement is simply misleading and a gross sensationalizing of the overall case. Jonathan Meijer said the following about the documentary in a video he posted on June 1:
"I want to talk freely, I want to have [a say] in my own story. I've seen the trailer, somebody sent it to me because I don't watch Netflix. I don't have Netflix, I think it's evil. I live in nature, nature is important to me, not my story, something artificial. I help people, that's it. But I'm more sad that they decided to change the lives of all my donor children. It's not right to sensationalize. They should have asked all the parents and children.”
Hence, Meijer, currently traveling the world, starkly criticized the series and claimed that the parents of his donor kids should have been asked for permission before it was created. However, that is no longer possible, considering The Man with the 1000 kids is merely a day away from release.
Regardless, while the process of donation itself was understood to have begun around 2007 in The Netherlands, Meijer carried on the practice for a decade despite the law in The Netherlands stipulating that a person can only supply sperm to a total of 12 women or for a total of 25 children.
The case was exposed back in 2017 when it was first estimated that Meijer may have already fathered 102 children across his own country. However, he was stopped from continuing the process in The Netherlands, and Jonathan Meijer decided to continue in other countries, which led to the overall number increasing in dramatic fashion.
While the sheer number of children Jonathan Meijer has fathered as a donor around the world is unclear, The Man With 1000 Kids should further illuminate this aspect of the matter once it releases on Netflix on July 3.