Outer Banks season 3 is the third season of Netflix's action-adventure series created by Shannon Burke, Josh Pate, and Jonas Pate. The series is set in the Outer Banks region of North Carolina and focuses on a treasure-hunting plot and the clashes between the two groups of teenagers, which are the relatively scrappy Pogues, and the well-to-do Kooks.
The first season of Outer Banks premiered on April 15, 2020, followed by the second season premiering on July 30, 2021.
As of this writing, the latest season of the series has been Outer Banks season 3, which premiered on February 23, 2023. Season 4 of Outer Banks will be released in two parts, with the first being released on October 10, 2024, and the second part being released on November 7, 2024.
Outer Banks season 3 begins with the Pogues washing ashore on a deserted island, which they dub "Poguelandia," after their attempt to steal the Cross of Santo Domingo from Rafe and Ward goes awry. Another subplot develops with Carla Limbrey, who discovers that John B's dad was alive all along and vows to help him find his missing son.
In Outer Banks season 3, all paths converge at Barbados
The Pogues, who have crash-landed at Poguelandia, don't get to stay on the deserted island for very long, given that they're soon discovered by a pilot named Jimmy. John B, Sarah, JJ, Kiara, Pope, and Leo hop aboard to leave the island, only to discover that Jimmy was planning to abduct them all along.
After forcing Jimmy to crash-land at Barbados, most of the Pogues escape, but Kiara isn't so lucky. Kimmy takes her to the shady man employing him, who turns out to be Carlos Singh. Kiara then goes on to discover that Carlos is in cahoots with Rafe.
While Ward is still indisposed, thanks to recovering from his injuries, Rafe works with Rose to try and sell the cross to the highest bidder. The reason he arrives in Barbados is because the buyer insisted he be there. The buyer turns out to be none other than Carlos Singh.
Carlos Singh is revealed to be searching for the lost city of El Dorado, and all his planning has been to further that goal. He wants to take possession of the Cross of Santo Domingo because it was among the items stolen by the crew of the Royal Merchant. The diary of Denmark Tanny, the only surviving crew member of that ship, might have a lead on how to track down El Dorado.
Eventually, Kiara and Rafe manage to escape Carlos's clutches, and Kiara manages to reunite with the rest of the Pogues, with the exception of John B.
That's because John ends up reuniting with his father, Big John, while he is searching for his son. Big John also has one of the artifacts needed to find El Dorado, which is one-half of the Signpost of Orinoco, with clues to the other half being in Denmark Tanny's diary.
Read more: Why are there only 5 episodes of Outer Banks season 4? Explained
Outer Banks season 3 ends with a showdown in El Tesoro
At the climax of Outer Banks season 3, Ward travels along with Big John and the Pogues to El Tesoro. While the Pogues use the completed Signpost of Orinoco, along with Denmark Tanny's diary, to uncover the path to El Dorado, Ward ends up leaking their whereabouts to Carlos Singh.
Carlos's men show up, resulting in a shootout. Big John gets critically wounded and left behind, but not before providing John B and Sarah with an important clue that helps them finally discover El Dorado's location.
After gathering all the gold they can, they make their escape only to be intercepted by Singh, who's holding Big John hostage. Singh gets distracted due to an explosion that also seals off the entrance to El Dorado, but it ultimately takes Ward sacrificing himself and throwing Singh off a cliff for him to truly bite it. Big John also perishes during the escape by succumbing to his wounds.
Outer Banks season 3 ends with the Pogues being approached by a mysterious benefactor after they've made it back home. He tells them of a captain's log that Blackbeard once owned, setting the stage for their next adventure.
Read more: 10 best moments in Outer Banks of all time