The legal crime thriller miniseries Presumed Innocent premiered on Apple TV+ on June 12, 2024. Starring Jake Gyllenhaal as the protagonist, Rusty Sabich, the series revolves around his story as a prosecution attorney suspected of murdering his co-worker and lover, Carolyn Polhemus.
Towards the end of the premiering two episodes, Rusty is arrested as a prime suspect in Carolyn's murder after his paternity with Carolyn's unborn child is confirmed. The episode ends with the declaration of Rusty's trial and a suspicious text message that could change everything.
The official summary of episode 2, titled People vs. Rozat Sabich, reads:
"Tommy Molto continues to build his case as Raymond comes to Rusty's defense."
This article contains spoilers for Presumed Innocent episodes 1 and 2.
Why was Rusty arrested in the Presumed Innocent premiere?
Rusty Sabich was arrested for being suspected of the murder of Carolyn Polhemus in the series. He was initially just under investigation by the Chicago district attorney's office after being removed from the case, but a paternity test proving that he was the father of Carolyn's unborn child prompted his arrest.
The premiering episodes of the series delve into Rusty's family life, his affair with Carolyn, his therapy sessions, and his desperation to save his career as a prosecution attorney in the DA's office.
Initially, Rusty is assigned the case of Carolyn's murder, without his boss Raymond knowing that he had had an affair with the victim. Shortly after Raymond loses his post as district attorney in an election, Rusty is removed from the case.
Presumed Innocent also focuses on the Sabich family life, painting a portrait of Rusty for audiences. It is revealed that Rusty had an on-and-off affair with his co-worker Carolyn Polhemus, which resulted in her pregnancy before the murder, a fact unknown to Rusty initially.
How does the episode end? What to expect in Presumed Innocent ahead?
Episode 2 of the show ends with a suspicious text message on Rusty's phone from an unknown number, right after he has been released from arrest on bail. The text message reads, "You were there. I saw you."
This might either indicate that someone saw Rusty at Carolyn's house before her murder or imply that Rusty committed the crime. Since the audience is unaware of whether Rusty is truly guilty, this incident thickens the plot.
The series' next episode is likely to focus on Rusty and his lawyer, Raymond, preparing to fight the charges against him in court. Tommy Molto from the prosecution will also be on the lookout for evidence that might point to Rusty being the culprit. Additionally, the Sabich family, particularly Barbara, will come under the media lens for the trial and the accusations against Rusty.
Presumed Innocent has premiered on Apple TV+ with episodes 1 and 2, and its next episode will be released on Wednesday, June 19, 2024.