Primos is an American animated comedy series produced by Disney Television Animation created by Natasha Kline. The series is set to release on Disney Channel on July 25, 2024.
It follows the experiences of a young Mexican-American girl named Tater Ramirez Humphrey who shares her feelings and experiences of living in an eccentric family in LA, California.
Primos features an ensemble of talented cast including Myrna Valesco, Elizabeth Grullon, Jonathan Melo, Rick Simon, Melissa Villaseñor and Michelle Ortiz, among several others.
The main cast of Primos
1) Myrna Velasco as Tater Ramirez Humphrey
The nine-year-old protagonist of Primos is voiced by the Mexican-American actress and voice artist Myrna Velasco. Her role as Tater Ramirez Humphrey is exciting and challenging, as the character goes through a hurricane of emotions in her journey.
Tater's initial optimism about her future is completely shattered upon the arrival of her cousins. She becomes aloof and starts sharing her feelings and daily happenings in her diary, which acts as the show's main narrative.
2) Elizabeth Grullón as Lita Perez
Lita Perez, played by Elizabeth Grullon, is the eldest cousin of Tater. She's a tall Afro-Latina teenager with pink hair. She remains calmer than others around her and carries a laid-back attitude. Most importantly, she plays guitar, which Tater considers cool.
Grullon has previously voiced in Cartoon Network's show Close Enough, and also has an active acting career, having appeared in Scandal, The Catch, and Criminal Minds.
3) Melissa Villaseñor as Nellie Ramirez Humphrey
Nellie Ramirez Humphrey is among those Humphrey children who demand the least amount of attention. She's more laid-back and loves to stay away from the limelight and troubles. Nellie is younger than Tater but taller in appearance, with longer frickly hair.
Melissa Villaseñor was undoubtedly one of the better choices, as her voice and years of experience in comedy through Saturday Night Live would come in handy.
4) Cristina Vee Valenzuela as Tere and Toñita Ramirez
Tere, Tabi and Tonita Ramirez are the performers of the Humphrey family. The trio of sisters are always bubbly and happy and don't miss a chance to show their talents. They are almost always in perfect sync with one another and perform complex acrobatics.
Cristina Vee Valenzuela voiced Tere and Toñita Ramirez, while Tabi was voiced by Nomi Ruiz. Cristina has done voice acting for several animated series, video games, and anime. Hunter x Hunter is perhaps her most famous project.
5) Michelle Ortiz as Bibi
Michelle Ortiz is playing Bibi Ramirez Humphrey, one of the two daughters of Pop and Beula Ramirez and Tater's mother.
She's a quintessential Mexican mother with tanned skin and a shrill yet loving voice. She generally wears an apron around her waist and roams around the house fixing everyone's problems.
Michelle Ortiz is an L.A. girl who has worked in projects like MadTV, This Fool, Snag and Gente-fied, before becoming Bibi in Primos.
Full cast list of Primos
- Myrna Velasco as Tater Ramirez Humphrey
- Elizabeth Grullón as Lita Perez
- Jonathan Melo as Scooter Perez
- Rick Simon as Cousin Bud Humphrey and Ignacio Ramirez
- Cristina Vee Valenzuela as Tere and Toñita Ramirez
- Natasha Kline as Gordita Humphrey and ChaCha Ramirez
- Nomi Ruiz as Tabi Ramirez
- Becca Q. Co as LotLot Ramirez
- Ryan Anderson Lopez as Nachito Ramirez
- Sarah Tubert as Lucita Perez
- Angélica María as Buela Ramirez
- Melissa Villaseñor as Nellie Ramirez Humphrey
- Jim Conroy as Bud Humphrey
- Michelle Ortiz as Bibi Ramirez Humphrey
- Cheech Marin as Pop Ramirez
- Cristina Milizia as Bud Ramirez Humphrey
- Liza Koshy as Serena
Primos will premiere on July 25, 2024, on Disney Channel. The first nine episodes of the series will be released the next day on Disney+.