Primos is a new animated series from Disney premiering on the Disney Channel on July 25, 2024. Announced in 2017 and greenlit in 2020, the show began production in 2021. The comedy series follows the coming-of-age story of a nine-year-old girl named Tater Ramirez Humphrey (voiced by Myrna Velasco) and celebrates the Mexican-American heritage of creator Natasha Kline, known for Big City Greens.
The series explores how a young girl navigates her Mexican heritage when a large group of her family members come to visit her one summer, changing her outlook on the world. The 90s-themed 2D animated series will explore themes of family, culture, and togetherness through the lens of a budding child.
Primos season 1 release date and schedule across different timezones
The new Disney animated series Primos will premiere on the Disney Channel on Thursday, July 25, 2024, at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT. It will be available on Disney+ starting Friday, July 26, 2024, with the release times varying by timezone.
Here is the release schedule for the different timezones:
Where to watch Primos season 1?
The first season of the animated series is scheduled to premiere on the Disney Channel. As mentioned earlier, the series will also be made available for streaming on Disney+ a day after it is aired on the Disney Channel.
Viewers in the US will also be able to stream the series on Disney's ad-supported service, DisneyNOW (catering specifically to Disney Channel, Disney XD, and Disney Junior shows). The series will premiere on DisneyNOW a day after it airs on the channel. The first episode of Primos will also be released on the Disney Channel YouTube on July 25, 2024.
Although the series will premiere on a Thursday, two new episodes will be released weekly on Saturdays. The first season contains a total of 14 episodes, with the final two episodes of the season scheduled to be released on Saturday, August 31, 2024.
Primos season 1 - Cast Details
The first season of the series includes an expansive voice cast and a variety of characters. The series is led by the 9-year-old protagonist Tater Ramirez Humphrey voiced by Myrna Velasco. Michelle Ortiz voices the character's mother Bibi Ramirez Humphrey and Jim Conroy voices her father Bud Humphrey.
Other prominent members of the voice cast include:
- Elizabeth Grullón as Lita Perez
- Jonathan Meloas Scooter Perez
- Rick Simon as Cousin Bud Humphrey and Ignacio "Big Nacho" Ramirez
- Cristina Vee Valenzuela as Tere and Toñita Ramirez
- Natasha Kline as Gordita Humphrey and ChaCha Ramirez
- Nomi Ruiz as Tabi Ramirez
- Becca Q. Co as LotLot Ramirez
- Ryan Anderson Lopez as Nachito Ramirez
- Sarah Tubert as Lucita Perez
What to expect from Primos season 1?
The upcoming Disney animated series is a coming-of-age story. The show's creator Natasha Kline was inspired by her upbringing in Los Angeles, especially the summers she spent with her cousins in the desert suburbs of the city.
The protagonist explores her Mexican-American heritage throughout the plot. The official synopsis of the series reads:
"The original series follows Tater Ramirez Humphrey, an eccentric girl who has big dreams for her future and just one summer to figure them all out. When her mom throws a wrench in her plans by inviting all 12 of her cousins to visit, Tater braces for the worst – only to find herself having the best summer of her life. Tater and her dreams flourish, surrounded by a family who may not always understand her, but who love and support her for exactly who she is."
Stay tuned for the premiere of Primos Season 1 on the Disney Channel this Thursday, July 25, 2024.