Characters with peculiar abilities and mysterious origins populate the fantastical world of Game of Thrones. Many of these figures are considered some of Westeros' strongest individuals. Some command large armies, while some have tamed fire-breathing dragons. Some have vast amounts of wealth, while some wield supernatural abilities beyond the comprehension of the small folk.
Needless to say, from Pentos to Beyond the Wall, people in all 7 kingdoms recognize the powers that these 25 people command.
Ranking the 25 most powerful characters in Game of Thrones
25) Sandor Clegane

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Introduced in Game of Thrones season 1, Sandor Clegane was the personal guard of Joffrey who protected him from every oncoming threat. Sandor's house, Clegane, was sworn to serve the Lannisters, who were secretly ruling the 7 kingdoms in the beginning. Scarred in his childhood by his brother, The Mountain, Sandor feared fire, the only thing he might have been afraid of.
He is an accomplished fighter, one of the few men who could duel The Mountain to a standstill. Sandor proved his battle prowess on many occasions, like the time he fought a tavern full of Lannister soldiers by himself.
After surviving a nasty fall, Sandor joined Beric Dondarion and the Brotherhood without Banners to aid their fight against the White Walker army.
24) Brienne of Tarth

An accomplished swordswoman, Brienne of Tarth proved her skills by defeating several knights including Ser Loras Tyrell in a tournament.
Brienne's list of accomplishments is lengthy. Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane tasted defeat at the hands of Brienne when she confronted him about Arya's custody. Jamie Lannister acknowledged Brienne's capabilities and made her a knight. She fulfilled her oath to Catelyn and saved Sansa Stark from the Boltons chasing her.
In the final season, Brienne joined the fight with Jon Snow, Daenerys, and the others against the White Walker threat.
23) Gregor Clegane

The Mountain is one of the most fearsome warriors in the Game of Thrones series. Standing at around 8 feet tall, his mere presence is enough to get most to quake in their boots.
He infamously beheaded a horse with a single stroke of his sword at Ned Stark's tourney. In the duel with Oberyn Martell, the Mountain surprisingly turned things around and crushed the Red Viper with his bare hands despite facing certain doom.
Having faced death after being infected by Oberyn's poison, Grand Maester Qyburn revived him in a zombified form. His new purpose was to serve and protect Cersei Lannister, and he acted according to her whims.
22) Mance Rayder

Known as The King Beyond the Wall, Mance Rayder was the leader who united all wildling tribes and convinced them to attack and raid the regions south of the Wall. Believed to be the biggest problem faced by the Night's Watch, Mance Rayder held command over many vicious warriors, including the giants under him.
Mance was resolute in his vision of the future for all Wildlings. After facing defeat at the hands of Stannis Baratheon, Mance refused to surrender, sealing his fate.
21) Khal Drogo

Leader of the menacing Dothraki Khalasar, Khal Drogo was a force to be reckoned with in Game of Thrones season 1. As their khal, Drogo led a group of unrelenting and savage warriors. Never known to have lost any battles, Drogo was the best among the best in combat skills.
He took Daenerys as his wife and promised to win back the throne that was stolen from her at birth. However, their plans were thwarted when Drogo came down with an infection. Drogo passed away when Daenerys, despite her best efforts, failed to find a cure for him. Still, Drogo's spirit continued to guide Daenerys throughout her life and she named her favored dragon after him.
20) Stannis Baratheon

When Joffrey and the Lannisters usurped the throne, Stannis declared war against them, proclaiming to be the rightful king. At some point, he met with the red woman known as Melisandre, who converted him to the religion of the Lord of Light and helped him gain an advantage.
Melisandre believed that Stannis was the prophesied hero, and she groomed him to achieve his goals by using magic and trickery. Her visions took Stannis and his army beyond the Wall, where he helped the Night's Watch defeat Mance Rayder.
Stannis grew overconfident in his abilities and was ultimately defeated by the Boltons, who outmatched and outnumbered him.
19) Ramsay Bolton

One of the most despicable characters in the entire Game of Thrones series, Ramsay Bolton employed the worst kind of torture technique known as 'Flaying'. Being the illegitimate son of Roose Bolton, Ramsay had a lot to prove. He laid siege on Winterfell and successfully captured Theon Greyjoy. He proceeded to torture Theon and manipulated him into going against his own house.
When his father turned against him, Ramsay was quick to dispose of him, gaining control over the entire North. During his tenure as the warden, he fended off the Greyjoys, defeated Stannis Baratheon, and almost would've bested Jon Snow at the Battle of the Bastards if it wasn't for the Deus ex machina ending the battle, courtesy of Sansa and the army of the Vale.
18) Arya Stark

From an early age, Arya Stark rebelled against the conventions of society and wanted to become a worthy fighter. When she moved with Ned to King's Landing, she learned sword fighting from a Braavosi master named Syrio Forel. She used her short stature as an advantage and surprised her enemies with her speed. Her sword skills even surprised Lady Brienne of Tarth in a sparring match.
Arya eventually traveled to Braavos, where she trained to become a faceless man. Upon returning to Westeros, Arya used her skills to take revenge for the Red Wedding, killing Walder Frey and his entire family along with him. In the final season of Game of Thrones, Arya played a major role, being the one who landed the final blow with her Valyrian steel dagger, putting an end to the Night King.
17) High Sparrow

The High Sparrow quickly grew to power in King's Landing soon after Tommen and Margaery's marriage. He was the religious leader of the Sparrows and the newly appointed High Septon. Though not commanding a military strength in the beginning, the High Sparrow amassed a huge following amongst the small folk living in King's Landing.
Initially appearing humble and harmless, the High Sparrow was cold, calculating, and supremely devoted to his beliefs. He restored the faith militant, an armed force independent of the crown that would only act on his orders. He imprisoned Cersei and subjected her to the walk of shame.
He brainwashed the minds of Tommen and Margaery and gained an influence over the Iron Throne itself. If it wasn't for Cersei's use of wildfire to destroy the Sept of Baelor in one fell swoop, the High Sparrow and his followers would probably still be in charge of the 7 kingdoms.
16) Melisandre

Known by many as the red woman or the red witch, Melisandre, who appeared in the second season of Game of Thrones, is devoted to the Lord of Light and believes in the prophecy of 'Azor Ahai'. She allied with Stannis Baratheon, believing him to be the 'Prince That Was Promised'.
As her title suggests, Melisandre possesses many magical and unexplained abilities. She can prophesize the future by staring into a fire, she can heal most injuries and also has the ability to revive certain people from the afterlife. Her necklace is believed to be the source of her powers that prevent her from aging.
To aid Stannis, she gave birth to a shadow demon in season 2 who assassinated Renly Baratheon at his camp. In the end, Melisandre joined forces with Jon Snow and the others, aiding the fight against the Night King.
15) Petyr Baelish

With an unthreatening appearance, Petyr Baelish, or Little Finger, has been secretly scheming and plotting ever since the beginning of Game of Thrones. He manipulated Lysa Arryn and used her affection to essentially gain control over the Vale and one of the great houses of Westeros. He quickly climbed the power ladder and became the Master of Coin on the Small Council under the rule of King Robert Baratheon and later under Joffrey Baratheon.
In season 1, he deceived Ned Stark by pretending to aid him and eventually got him hanged, setting in motion the turmoil among all the great houses of Westeros. Petyr gained ownership over the brothels in Kings' Landing, which fed him intel about the goings on in the city.
If it wasn't for Bran's all-seeing powers Little Finger would've amassed unmatched power and influence over Westeros.
14) Varys

Popularly known as the Spider, Varys served as the Master of Whisperers in King's Landing until he was forced to flee along with Tyrion. While pretending to serve the Baratheon rule, Varys secretly planned the rise of the Targaryen queen, Daenerys. Often finding himself at odds with Little Finger, Varys also kept a network of spies that he employed to gain an advantage.
Always staying one step ahead, Varys carefully set the stage for events to unfold, according to his plans. Unfortunately, his demise came at the hands of the one he had propped up as the rightful heir to the throne in the final season of Game of Thrones.
13) Robb Stark

The first King in The North to appear on Game of Thrones, Robb Stark had a promising future as a leader. After Ned's death, Robb brought the great houses of the North under one banner. All of them swore an oath to him and accepted him as their king. This declaration put him at odds with the Lannisters.
During the War of the Five Kings, Robb Stark gained a reputation for winning every battle he engaged in. His military and strategic prowess had even Tywin Lannister worried. People called him 'The Young Wolf' due to his ferocity in battle.
However, his noble upbringing made him oblivious to the schemes of the Lannisters, which ultimately resulted in his and his family's downfall at the 'Red Wedding'.
12) Joffrey Baratheon

Being a disturbed child from the beginning, Joffrey Baratheon wreaked havoc in King's Landing upon claiming the throne after his father's passing. Facing no discouragement from his mother, Joffrey's cruelty knew no bounds. After putting Ned Stark to the sword, Joffrey targeted and tortured Sansa for his own amusement. Even his relatives were not safe from being subjected to his cruelty.
He paid no respect to his uncle Tyrion, nor the lords in his small council. His reckless decision to execute Ned Stark ignited the War of the Five Kings. Joffrey displayed his cowardice as he hid away from Stannis' army during the battle of Blackwater, leaving Tyrion with the responsibility of defending the city. Joffrey got his comeuppance on his wedding day when he died after being poisoned by Olenna Tyrell in the fourth season of Game of Thrones.
11) Olenna Tyrell

Under the guise of an innocent-looking woman, is the cunning matriarch of the house, Tyrell. As the lady of the Reach, she commanded the largest army in Westeros and controlled the most prosperous region in the seven kingdoms. Olenna was the mastermind who groomed Margaery to marry into the royal family. Along the way, she set in motion a plot to take control of the Iron Throne.
When Olenna realized that Joffrey was too erratic to control, she killed him with poison and let Tyrion take the blame for it. Even in death, she managed to gain the upper hand and died on her own terms.
10) Ned Stark

The most respected and honorable man in all of Westeros, Ned Stark was a fan-favorite character who played a pivotal role in kicking off the real plot of Game of Thrones. As the warden of the North, he helped establish peace across the realm.
He was made Hand of the King by his war buddy, Robert Baratheon, who was the king at this point. Ned accompanied him to King's Landing and helped him rule. However, Ned's trusting nature led to his downfall, and he was wrongfully executed by Joffrey in public.
His death inspired the fury of the Northern houses and united them under a single banner. All of his kids went on to play important roles in the story, and Ned Stark's ideals were somehow responsible for guiding them in the right direction.
9) Tywin Lannister

Despite several kings gaining and losing the throne, Tywin Lannister was for the longest time, the one with the real power. Before he became the head of his house, Tywin single-handedly squashed the rebellion by House Reyne of Castamere. Thus restoring the fearsome reputation of his banner, which had been in decline.
The legendary song, Rains of Castamere eulogizes his victory over house Reyne. He was a seasoned tactician who ended the War of the Five Kings without having to fight at all.
Tywin's imposing presence was enough to make the most ferocious warriors bow down in fear or respect for him. King Joffrey, despite his status, was afraid to speak out of line in front of him, which is just a small example of the aura he carried. He served as the hand of three different kings, and it can be argued that despite not wearing the crown, he was the man in charge.
In the end, Tywin's downfall came at the hands of his own son.
8) Tyrion Lannister

Oftentimes underestimated because of his height, Tyrion compensated for his lack of fighting experience with his intellect. He found himself in harm's way more than a couple of times, but his smarts always got him out of it. His father, Tywin, resented him by all accounts but still recognized him as the most suitable candidate to be the Hand of the King.
As the Hand, Tyrion was one of the few who kept King Joffrey's cruelty in check. His ingenuity defended King's Landing against Stannis' onslaught at the Battle of Blackwater. After being wrongly accused of assassinating Joffrey, Tyrion fled and joined up with Daenerys, who sought his valuable advice and made him the Hand of her kingdom as well.
At the end of Game of Thrones, Tyrion played a pivotal role in ensuring victory and came up with the idea of crowning Bran as the next king.
7) Sansa Stark

Sansa's life turned into hell when she got betrothed to Joffrey and came to King's Landing with her father and sister. Soon after, her father was executed, her sister went missing, and she was held hostage in the Red Keep. Sansa became the object of torture for Joffrey and Cersei. However, in all the time Sansa spent as a hostage, she learned a lot about political strategy and deception from the likes of Cersei, Tyrion, and Petyr Baelish by keenly observing them.
Sansa impressively employed her knowledge to regain control of Winterfell from the Boltons and took revenge against Petyr Baelish for betraying her family. Sansa matured from all her horrible experiences, which made her qualified enough to be named the Queen in the North at the end of Game of Thrones.
6) Robert Baratheon

After Rhaegar Targaryen kidnapped his betrothed, Lyanna Stark, Robert along with his friend Ned, led their armies to war against the Targaryen rulers. An event that came to be known as Robert's Rebellion resulted in the end of the 283-year-long reign of the dynasty and Robert was crowned as the first non-Targaryen ruler.
Considered to be one of the greatest warriors to ever live, Robert Baratheon gained the Iron Throne after killing Rhaegar in single combat. Robert's rule lasted for 15 years and was only ended because of the conspiracy hatched by his wife Cersei and others. His death led to a bloody war between the five kings and kicked off the Game of Thrones as we know it.
5) Cersei Lannister

A queen drunk on power, Cersei gradually grew her power and influence after marrying Robert Baratheon. In order to secure the future of her kids, she was willing to go to any lengths, even conspiring against her husband, King Robert, and getting him killed. Cersei never questioned her son Joffrey's abhorrent actions and even encouraged him at times.
After her son Tommen's death, Cersei became the queen of Westeros with the seven kingdoms under her command. When her authority was threatened by the Tyrells, she didn't hesitate to use wildfire and blew up a major part of the city. Her ruthless will to attain power at all costs made her one of the most dangerous individuals in the entire Game of Thrones series.
4) Jon Snow

Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark's legitimate son, Jon Snow, had the rightful claim to the throne. Sired by Ned Stark, Jon grew up in Winterfell, along with his brothers and sisters. After being sent to the Wall at a very young age, Jon displayed valor and bravery in every dangerous task assigned to him. He gained the respect of the Night's Watch and the trust of the Wildlings. As his followers increased, he was made the Lord Commander of the watch.
After being betrayed by Ser Alliser and a few others, Jon was brought back to life by Melisandre. Jon began a campaign to free Winterfell from the Boltons. He was the first one to raise caution against the White Walker threat and endeavored to unite the realm against the greater evil. The great houses of the North entrusted Jon to lead them and proclaimed him 'The King in the North', just like his brother Robb.
Believed to be the 'Prince That was Promised', Jon Snow fulfilled the prophecy and protected the world from the White Walker threat. During Daenerys' rampage in King's Landing, Jon made the difficult choice to sacrifice his love.
3) Daenerys Targaryen

Born during a violent storm at Dragonstone, Daenerys Targaryen fled from Westeros as a newborn. When she came of age, she married the Dothraki leader, Khal Drogo, and convinced him to travel back to her homeland to reclaim her birthright, the Iron Throne. After Drogo's untimely passing, Daenerys was reborn as the mother of dragons when three dragon eggs in her possession hatched simultaneously.
With a new purpose and the divine power of 3 dragons at her side, Daenerys amassed an army consisting of the Unsullied, the Dothraki, and the Second Sons. She gained notoriety as the Breaker of Chains after liberating slaves and conquering cities by herself. Distinguished individuals like Ser Barristan Selmy, Tyrion Lannister, Jon Snow, and many others recognized her as the rightful queen.
After the last war, Daenerys succumbed to madness after a series of personal losses, jealousy, and betrayals. Desperate to stake her claim at the Iron Throne, Daenerys burned the city of King's Landing to ash with her dragon, killing many innocents. She was eventually killed by her lover, Jon Snow. Despite the bitter ending, Daenerys' achievements are undeniable.
2) The Night King

A ruthless and unstoppable force of nature, The Night King and his army of White Walkers were the biggest looming threat throughout the show. Once a mortal man, the Children of the Forest captured him and turned him into the feared Night King. Having existed since the age of the First Men, Night King has been recruiting the dead as a part of a mindless horde for centuries.
He is the personification of nature's fury, relentless in his pursuit of bringing an endless winter around the world. Due to his superhuman strength and magical ice abilities, no man alive can best him in combat. His cold stare and imposing demeanor strike fear in the hearts of his enemies.
During the final battle, Arya Stark puts an end to the Night King by striking him with a dagger made of Valyrian steel, his one and only weakness.
1) Bran Stark

Life changed for young Brandon Stark after Jamie Lannister pushed him out of a window of a tall building. Crippled for life, Bran was directed towards a new purpose, one which was embroiled in secrecy. He answered the call of the Three-Eyed Raven, a powerful entity that opposes the White Walkers. After being trained to use his supernatural abilities, the title and responsibilities of the Three-Eyed Raven passed onto Bran.
Bran possessed the ability to warg into all kinds of animals and take control of their mind, influencing their actions. At a later stage, he was able to do the same to humans. Bran could also see events of the past and the future, holding the power to influence them as well, making him extremely powerful. After the final battle against the Night King and Cersei's demise, Bran succeeded as the King of the seven kingdoms.
The world of Game of Thrones is filled with powerful characters who took part in the deadly game. Many times these characters crossed paths, resulting in epic clashes.
Follow this link to learn more about the best fights in the series: