Secret Level is an animated anthology series inspired by video games. Scheduled for release on December 10, 2024, the series will stream exclusively on Prime Video. Created by Tim Miller, known for Deadpool and Love, Death + Robots, this 15-episode series reimagines iconic gaming worlds in stunning animated narratives. Video game fans can expect storytelling and visuals celebrating the gaming universe.
This series showcases Miller's expertise in animation and gaming storytelling. It explores diverse worlds, including Mega Man, Dungeons & Dragons, and Warhammer 40,000.
The official synopsis of the show reads:
"Secret Level is a new adult-animated anthology series featuring original stories set within the worlds of some of the world’s most beloved video games. From the creative minds behind LOVE, DEATH + ROBOTS, each of the 15 episodes is a celebration of games and gamers."
Secret Level: Release date, cast and more
The Prime Video series will release globally on December 10, 2024. The series will be accessible in more than 240 countries, with episodes released until December 17, 2024.
The production features an exceptional voice cast, comprising Arnold Schwarzenegger, Keanu Reeves, Kevin Hart, and Emily Swallow. The performances of supporting actors Temuera Morrison, Ariana Greenblatt, and Gabriel Luna enhance the narrative's depth and excitement.
Each episode of Secret Level is a standalone story, reimagining the worlds of beloved video games. From the nostalgic corridors of PAC-MAN to the dark depths of The Outer Worlds, the show invites viewers to experience gaming like never before. It's a celebration of games and their impact on pop culture.
Production details
Tim Miller leads the project, supported by Dave Wilson as executive producer and supervising director. Produced by Blur Studio and Amazon MGM Studios, the series combines top-tier animation with gripping narratives. Announced in August 2024, it debuted at Gamescom Opening Night Live, building anticipation among gamers.
Secret Level redefines gaming narratives by blending familiar settings with fresh perspectives. The series is based on popular video games and explores fantasy, sci-fi, and action themes. Discovering ancient mysteries in Dungeons & Dragons and fighting futuristic adversaries in Unreal Tournament are just a few of the thrilling and emotional events that occur in each episode.
Tim Miller’s collaboration with Blur Studio and Amazon MGM Studios ensures that Secret Level is a visual spectacle. With Dave Wilson’s expertise, the show pushes animation boundaries, creating visually stunning episodes.
The series features games such as Armored Core, Sifu and New World: Aeternum. Each story reflects the unique essence of its source material, appealing to both hardcore gamers and casual fans.
Trailer: A glimpse into the action
The trailer reveals intense action and emotional moments. It teases battles, dramatic sacrifices, and personal triumphs, asking questions like, “How much would you risk?” The voiceover hints at discovery and courage, promising an emotional journey for viewers. As the music builds, the visuals showcase stunning game worlds and unforgettable adventures.
With its rich storytelling and stunning visuals, Secret Level serves as a tribute to the video gaming community. The series highlights how games inspire creativity and connect people worldwide.
Fans can expect more episodic drops until December 17, 2024. With potential tie-ins and behind-the-scenes content, Secret Level might set a new benchmark for gaming-inspired series.
The series is a must-watch for anyone passionate about video games and animated storytelling. Tim Miller and his team make a series that gets to the heart of what it means to be a gamer. This anthology has a star-studded cast, interesting stories, and beautiful visuals that will make an impression that lasts.
Premiering December 10, Secret Level invites viewers into a world of endless possibilities, celebrating games like never before.