The Netflix biographical series Senna Season 1 is set to premiere on November 29, 2024. This six-episode miniseries is based on the life of the legendary Brazilian Formula 1 driver Ayrton Senna, capturing his early racing days and his rise as a three-time Formula 1 World Champion. The series will end with the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix, the tragedy that took Senna's life.
The series is directed by Vicente Amorim and Júlia Rezende. It stars Gabriel Leone in the lead role of Ayrton Senna. Leone is a Brazilian actor who is most prominently known for his portrayal of Alfonso de Portago in Ferrari.
Read along to learn more about Senna Season 1.
When and where to watch Senna Season 1?
As stated, Senna Season 1 will debut on Netflix on November 29, 2024. This will be an addition to Senna's documentary 'Senna. No fear. No Limits. No Equal', already available on the streaming platform.
Netflix announced their plan for the series in 2020. In a statement to Variety, the director of original international productions at Netflix in Brazil - Maria Angela de Jesus stated,
“Senna started his journey in São Paulo and conquered the world, we are honored to take his inspiring journey to all his fans, wherever they are. Ayrton Senna has a legacy that spans generations and boundaries and Netflix is proud to take this new look at the man behind the driver to subscribers in more than 190 countries”
The cast of Senna Season 1
The main cast of Senna season 1 is as follows -
- Leone as Senna
- Pâmela Tomé as Xuxa
- Matt Mella as Alain Prost
- Patrick Kennedy as Ron Dennis
- Gabriel Louchard as Galvão Bueno
The other cast members include -
- Alice Wegmann as Lilian de Vasconcelos
- Camila Márdila as Viviane Senna
- Christian Malheiros as Maurinho
- Hugo Bonemer as Nelson Piquet
- Julia Foti as Adriane Galisteu
- Marco Ricca as Senna's father
- Susana Ribeiro Senna's mother
- Kaya Scodelario as Laura
- Arnaud Viard as Jean-Marie Balestre
- Joe Hurst as Keith Sutton
- Johannes Heinrichs as Niki Lauda
- Keisuke Hoashi as Osamu Goto
- Leon Ockenden as James Hunt
- Richard Clothier as Peter Warr
- Steven Mackintosh as Frank Williams
- Tom Mannion as Sid Watkins
Plot summary
The official synopsis from Netflix reads,
"Over the course of six episodes, Senna will show for the first time ever in a scripted series Ayrton's journey through triumphs, disappointments, joys, and sorrows, revealing his personality and personal relationships. "
It continues,
"The fictional series starts at the beginning of the three-time Formula 1 champion's motor racing career, from his early career kart years to when he leaves home to compete in Formula Ford in England, and up to his tragic accident in Imola, Italy, during the San Marino Grand Prix."
Born in 1960, Ayrton Senna da Silva is considered one of the fastest F1 drivers of all time. Throughout his career, he won three World Championships with McLaren in addition to 41 Grand Prix titles. In a career spanning from 1984 to 1994, he held 65 pole positions and 80 podiums. The Ayrton Senna Institute was established in his memory.
The writers of Senna season 1 are Álvaro Campos, Gustavo Bragança, Rafael Spínola, Thais Falcão, and Álvaro Mamute. Filming took place in Brazil, the UK, Argentina, and Uruguay. The show is produced in collaboration with Senna's family.
Stay tuned for more updates on the show.