The Shetland season 9 finale aired on BBC One on December 11. The season follows DI Ruth Calder and Tosh as they investigate a complex case. After Tosh's friend Annie Bett is murdered, the duo works to solve her case, with the finale opening on a flashback to the night of Annie's death.
In the final minutes of the episode, although Calder and Tosh had thought Michael to be the killer, it later revealed that Annie was killed by Noreen. Noreen shot Annie with Lisa’s ex-boyfriend Kyle’s gun which was with Annie on the night of the murder.
What happened at the end of Shetland season 9
How was Annie killed and by why?
In Shetland season 9, Annie was killed by her sister-in-law, Noreen Stack, at the Wethersta croft. Noreen shot Annie and disposed of the gun in the sea to protect her husband, Michael. Annie had discovered that Michael had assaulted a client, Lisa Friel, and planned to report him to the police. To prevent this, Noreen killed her.
After Annie's death, even if Lisa wanted to report the wrongdoings of Michael, she would not be believed because of her scarred past and criminal reputation.
Who killed Anton Bergen and why?
In Shetland season 9, Anton Bergen was killed by the same person who killed Annie i.e. Noreen. Before Annie was murdered, she had gone to the party at the Bray, after which she went to the Nesting lab, where she picked up Anton.
At the croft, Noreen shot and killed Annie. Bergen, nearby and alerted by the gunshot, came to investigate but was also killed by Noreen to eliminate any witnesses.
How does Noreen get arrested?
After Annie and Bergen’s deaths in Shetland season 9, Tosh and Cader interrogated Michael, who denied attacking Lisa first and also said that he didn’t kill Annie. He revealed that the night Lisa was attacked, he had gone to drink with his friend Frank.
Tosh and Calder questioned Frank, who confirmed Michael's alibi—he was at the pub and later stayed at Hem. However, they discovered that Michael called Noreen on the night of the murders, and his debit card was used at a gas station near Annie's party. Despite this, CCTV footage showed no sign of Michael at the crime scene.
CCTV footage showed Noreen using Michael’s card to fill the gas on the night of the murders. Tosh informed Calder, who then confronted Noreen. Initially hesitant, Noreen admitted that Annie planned to report Michael’s crime the next day. To protect her family, Noreen killed Annie and Bergen, disposed of the gun in the sea, and fled, leaving Noah alone in the house with the two bodies.
In the end, Noreen was charged with double homicide and the assault case against Michael was also open for a new hearing. Hence, Lisa too could hope for justice next.
All episodes of Shetland season 9 can be streamed on BBC iPlayer now.