NBC's science fiction drama show, created by David Appelbaum. La Brea revolves around a story about a massive sinkhole opening in Los Angeles. The sinkhole leads to a mysterious prehistoric world. With prehistoric characters and ancient civilizations, the show's themes focus on survival, time travel, and separating characters from family members.
The series appeals to fans through unexpected twists, supernatural elements, and community building. Filled with action-packed sequences, the storyline is emotional and suspenseful. La Brea revolves around survival themes amid the uncertainties of an unfamiliar world. Here are more shows for fans who like mystery, fiction, and sci-fi.
Disclaimer: The shows are ranked in no particular order, and the opinions expressed here belong solely to the author.
Manifest, Lost, and 6 other shows for the fans of La Brea
1) Manifest - Netflix
Manifest is a supernatural drama and mystery show aired on Netflix and created by Jeff Rake. The plot is about how Flight 828 disappears and reappears five years later.
The supernatural elements in the show about callings that guide passengers with vision and voices keep the audiences hooked. The key focus of the show is on rebuilding lives and uncovering the truth and divine connections of people.
It appeals to fans for its narrative about family bonds, mysteries, and unexpected twists and can resonate with the fans of La Brea.
2) Lost - Amazon Prime Video
Lost is a survival drama based on mystery and science fiction created by Jeffrey Lieber, J. J. Abrams, and Damon Lindelof. This movie is a mystery about the 48 survivors of Flight 815 who find themselves stranded on a mysterious island with little hope. The show is set in the background, where the survivors face supernatural elements on an uncharted island.
For the fans of La Brea, the show is themed around survival, human relationships, destiny, and redemption. Its suspense, emotions, and thought-provoking non-linear narrative will appeal to the audience.
3) Terra Nova - Amazon Prime Video
Terra Nova, streaming on Prime Video, is a science fiction adventure show created by British writer Kelly Marcel and Steven Spielberg. It revolves around how humanity escapes a dying Earth by traveling back to prehistoric times. The plot balances survival in a hostile environment with internal and external threats.
This show can appeal to viewers because of its suspense, action, and focus on family relations. La Brea fans can try this because of its futuristic technology, dinosaurs, and ambitions for world-building.
4) Under The Dome - Amazon Prime Video
Under The Dome is a sci-fi drama series loosely based on Stephen King's novel Under the Dome. The show is about how a small town is trapped under an impenetrable and invisible dome and isolated from the outside world. The mystery is about the purpose of this invisible dome and its alien connections.
It keeps audiences connected with its suspenseful and intense tone. It appeals to them for its high-stakes drama, mysterious phenomena, and character-driven storyline. For the fans of La Brea, this show is themed around survival and environmental collapse.
5) The 100 - Netflix
The 100 is a science fiction show plotted in a post-apocalyptic world, loosely based on the novel by Kass Morgan, where 100 juveniles are sent to Earth to test its habitability from a sying space station. How to survive in this post-apocalyptic Earth filled with radiation and mutated creatures. It is emotional as well as packed with action.
The show has been praised for its character development and world-building narrative. For the fans of La Brea, this show is about survival, leadership, and rebuilding society.
6) Fringe - Amazon Prime Video
Fringe is another science fiction thriller show created by J. J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman, and Roberto Orci. The plot is premised on an FBI division investigating an unexplained phenomenon linked to scientific studies. The show's storyline about scientific experiments, advanced technology, and a parallel universe appeals to fans.
Its complex storytelling, drama, and supernatural elements keep the audience gripped. It has been praised for its suspenseful plot and emotional depth, highlighted by key characters like Olivia Dunham, Walter Bishop, and Peter Bishop. It appeals to fans of La Brea for its mysteries and scientific themes.
7) Wayward Pines - Amazon Prime Video
Wayward Pines is a mystery and science fiction show based on the Wayward Pines novels by Blake Crouch, whose shocking climaxes make them a popular genre. In the series, Wayward Pines is a walled town by a seemingly unbreakable fence. On a stakeout, Ethan Burke, a secret service agent, finds himself in a creepy, deserted place.
The dark and suspenseful series should resonate with La Brea's audience. The plot emphasizes the themes of leaving, revealing, and surviving the controlled reality of a small town and external danger.
8) The Leftovers - Amazon Prime Video
The Leftovers is a mystery and supernatural drama created by Damon Lindelof and Tom Perrotta. Streaming on Amazon Prime Video, the show is premised on a plot about how 2% of the world's population disappears mysteriously. Based in the town of Mapletown, it focuses on this post-disappearance world.
For the fans of La Brea, this is about loss, trauma, and the search for meaning. The mystery in the show is about finding the cause of the disappearance and its impact on survivors. It has been praised for its deep characters and portrayal of human suffering.
These shows take fans into a science fiction world like in La Brea.