Shrinking season 2 episode 2 brings many lingering plot threads from the season premiere to a close. The episode shows that actions have consequences, for better or for worse. In episode 1, Jimmy was facing the fallout from one of his patients being arrested for attempted murder, having pushed her abusive husband off a cliff.
The cracks in Jimmy's maverick methodology had begun to show, and he was pushed to his limit when the man responsible for his wife's death showed up at his office. By the end of the last episode, Jimmy couldn't bring himself to tell his daughter, Alice, about this fateful meeting, which formed a significant plot beat in the first half of the second episode.
To his credit, Jimmy quickly realizes that he shouldn't let the matter fester. However, he struggles to break the news to Alice because she's preoccupied with her driving test. The moment she passes it, however, he breaks the news in the most awkward way by saying, "Speaking of cars, you remember the one your mom was in?"
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Shrinking season 2 shows the positives and negatives of Jimmy's philosophy

Shrinking season 2 continues to explore the positives and negatives of Jimmy's way of going about things. His decision to break the news about the drunk driver's reappearance shows considerable emotional maturity, while the manner in which he does it shows the struggles he faces to do things properly.
His bizarre way of bringing the matter up to Alice, thankfully, doesn't backfire too much. He manages to get his point across once his daughter pays attention to him. Later on, once Jimmy notices his daughter's reluctance to drive their car, he's once again sharp in noticing that the news about the drunk driver has rattled her.
Furthermore, the manner in which he tries to keep an eye on her comes across as more endearing than intrusive. Jimmy's relationship with Grace, the woman arrested for attempted murder, is shown relatively briefly in this episode.
Still, it does speak to Jimmy's sincerity that he's committed to keep seeing her in prison. Whether this sincerity will help her in the long run or cause further unintended repercussions remains to be seen.
One decision Jimmy makes that blows up in his face by the episode's end is his affair with Gaby. The Shrinking season 2 premiere already established that the casual arrangement was getting unhealthy for her, and she eventually breaks things off with Jimmy. However, this prompts Jimmy to show a manipulative side as he tries to endear himself to her.
This escalates once he discovers the issues she's having with her sister, prompting him to make friendly overtures that she doesn't take well. It reaches the boiling point when he visits Gaby's place at night to deliver a care package, and she nearly kisses him. Following this, she grows hostile, asking him why he didn't stop her.
While he insists that he had no ulterior motives in visiting her, she eventually pushes him to admit that he knew that she was developing feelings for him. Even so, he continued the affair. Jimmy admits the truth and tries to apologize, but she's not in the mood to listen and kicks him out of her house.
Shrinking season 2 showcases Paul and Jimmy's contrasting approaches
Paul's character arc receives considerable focus in the second episode of Shrinking season 2, especially the way he manages Raymond and Sean. Realizing that he can't manage the two simultaneously, he tells Raymond he won't be treating him anymore, reasoning that he's recovered sufficiently to move on.
However, he also firmly refuses to be part of Raymond's social circle anymore, reasoning that it would violate professional boundaries. He also tries to be firm in his boundaries with Sean, which the latter struggles with.
This culminates in Sean sending a lengthy text message to Paul's private number about his struggles in his professional relationship with Liz. Realizing that he obtained the number from Jimmy, Paul confronts him and accuses him of compromising Sean's well-being.
Jimmy responds by saying that sometimes patients need more than what Paul can provide with his "strictly professional" approach. Surprisingly, Paul takes this advice to heart. He proceeds to call Sean on the phone and gives him some encouragement. Later, he meets Raymond for drinks, showing that Jimmy's influence has started to loosen him up a bit.
Shrinking season 2 episode 2 provides a nuanced look at the positives and negatives of how Jimmy has been carrying himself. While the episode ends with a sharp look at the character flaws he still possesses, it also makes clear that Jimmy's maverick philosophy, despite its downsides, isn't entirely without merit.
Shrinking season 2 airs Wednesdays on Apple TV+.