Tell Me Lies season 2 premiered on Hulu on September 4, 2024. With two episodes released for the season's debut, it picked up right where the previous season ended. The first episode, titled You Got a Reaction, Didn't You?, took the audience deeper into the characters' webs of lies, bringing some shocking twists to the tale.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for Tell Me Lies season 2 episode 1
The new season begins with the story in the present but also intercuts with flashbacks from 2015 to provide context. In the episode, viewers get to see scenes from the time before Evan and Bree's wedding and their current lives in college. The episode concludes with a surprise as Diana is spotted at Pippa's home, waiting for her when she returns from a college party.
The official summary for the show reads:
"The story of a young woman's obsession with a man who is good at being charming."
Pippa's secret relationship revealed on Tell Me Lies season 2 episode 1
The storyline briefly focuses on Pippa's college life in season 2 episode 1 of Tell Me Lies. In an earlier conversation, she mentions being in a relationship to her friends. Based on her manner of speaking, it seems to be a casual fling.
At a college party, Wrigley's teammates continue to mistreat Pippa by throwing her out of the beer line. After seeing her ex with another girl at the party, Pippa leaves and goes home. However, the audience sees Diana waiting for her when she reaches her destination. The two girls kiss, revealing that they are dating each other, in a callback to Pippa's vague statements about her relationship.
It will be interesting to see whether this relationship is indeed casual as indicated, or whether it will potentially lead to conflicts. Diana's current status with Stephen will also add to the drama in the upcoming episodes.
Also read: Tell Me Lies season 2: Everything we know so far
What is the status of Evan and Lucy as a couple on Tell Me Lies season 2 episode 1?
The episode begins with Evan feeling guilty about cheating on Bree with Lucy. Lucy gets a chance to have a one-on-one conversation with Evan, where the two decide that it would be wise not to tell Bree about what happened between them.
During lunch, Evan admits to Stephen that he and Bree might be approaching an awkward patch. Stephen realizes his friend cheated, but Lucy's name does not come up in their conversation. On the other hand, Lucy is seen developing a close bond with Leo.
Lucy and Evan do not meet during the party, but she has many awkward run-ins with Stephen. She breaks his new phone at one point during the episode when she thinks he is being insincere with her. Finally, unable to bear the sight of Stephen any longer, Lucy leaves the party.
Also read: Tell Me Lies season 2: Full list of cast in the series
Audiences can watch Tell Me Lies season 2 episode 1 streaming on Hulu.