Tell Me Lies season 3, the third season of the drama series created by Meaghan Oppenheimer has generated a ton of online buzz even before the season 2 finale premiere. The romance-drama series is based on Carola Lovering's novel of the same name, published in June 2018. The show's producers are Mathew Hart, Jessica Badenoch, Victoria Bata, and Gillian Bohrer.
Meaghan, Karah Preiss, Samantha Schlaifer, Laura Lewis, Matthew Matruski, and others are executive producers of the series. Tell Me Lies premiered its first season, featuring 10 episodes, on Hulu on September 7, 2022. Season 2, featuring 8 episodes, premiered on September 4, 2024.
The series centers around the toxic relationship between college students Lucy Albright (Grace Van Patten) and Stephen DeMarco (Jackson White) over nearly a decade.
The official synopsis of Tell Me Lies, as per Rotten Tomatoes, reads:
"Lucy Albright and Stephen DeMarco quickly fall into an addictive entanglement that will permanently alter their lives and the lives of everyone around them; a tumultuous and intoxicating relationship unfolds over eight years."
Disclaimer: The article is speculative in nature.
When will Tell Me Lies season 3 be released?
The steamy college romance drama Tell Me Lies has been a hit with Hulu viewers, who love to follow the ups and downs of the lives of students studying at the fictional Baird College in Upstate New York.
After the first season's success, Hulu renewed the second season on November 29, 2022, a month after the inaugural series ended. With season 2 ending soon, fans are already looking forward to Tell Me Lies season 3.
However, the show's next installment has not been officially confirmed as of this writing. However going by the show's past, it is very likely that the official announcement will come by the end of November 2024. Furthermore, if the series were to end after season 2, Hulu would have surely announced it by now.
Given that Tell Me Lies season 2 has been mostly met with positive reviews, it looks like season 3 is definitely on the cards.
Will Lucy and Stephen continue their toxicity in Tell Me Lies season 3?
After spending the entire season 2 hating each other, Lucy and Stephen rekindle their relationship by the end of the season. It's fair to say season 3 will showcase their toxic relationship dynamic, replete with lies, deceit, and cheating, all over again.
Bree's fallout from her secret affair with the married professor, Oliver, will also be a major plotline for Tell Me Lies season 3. She began dating Oliver after breaking up with Evan in season 2. As Bree gets more caught up in the affair, she may be willing to expose their secret to his wife, Marianne, so that she can be with him.
The flash forward scenes in the present day depict the time around Bree and Evan's wedding in 2015. During this time, Stephen is engaged to Lydia, while Lucy is in a long-term relationship with Max. The third season will elaborate further on their evolving dynamics and their circle of friends in the present day.
It may also give more details about Pippa and Diana's relationship, which surprised fans in the show's second season.
In season 2 episode 7, Lucy lies about Chris se*ually assaulting her when, in fact, it was Pippa who Chris assaulted. Diana reprimands her for lying about such a serious issue. Lydia (Chris' sister) ends their friendship over her claims. As a result, Lucy feels isolated and abandoned by the end of season 2.
The next season will show how she mends her broken friendships while dealing with Stephen's mind games.
The second season of Tell Me Lies explored storylines beyond what was mentioned in the book. The same may happen to the upcoming season as well. Fans may see new characters added to the mix, who will undoubtedly complicate the lives of these college students even further.
Who will likely star in Tell Me Lies season 3?
Tell Me Lies season 3 will bring back its main cast and some new faces. The presumptive list for the show's third season is given below:
- Grace Van Patten as Lucy
- Jackson White as Stephen
- Catherine Missal as Bree
- Sonia Mena as Pippa
- Alicia Crowder as Diana
- Branden Cook as Evan
- Tom Ellis as Oliver
- Natalie Linez as Lydia
- Spencer Houseas Wrigley
- Benjamin Wadsworth as Drew
- Edmond Donovan as Max
Stay tuned for more updates on Tell Me Lies season 3 and other trending news of 2024.