In The Agency, Daniela "Danny" Ruiz Morata, played by Saura Lightfoot-Leon, is a CIA recruit tasked with a high-stakes mission— to infiltrate Iran to uncover critical intelligence about the country’s nuclear engineers and research programs. Her journey starts with rigorous training under Martian.
Danny's preparation involves perfecting street-level Farsi and fabricating a credible academic background. As the mission progresses, Danny encounters numerous obstacles, from enduring a staged interrogation by a fellow CIA operative to manipulating her way into an academic exchange program with Tehran— a crucial step to gaining entry into Iran.
As of now, Danny remains stuck in the preparation, unable to move forward until all barriers are cleared. After initially gaining Professor Reza Mortazevi’s attention, Danny faced resistance from rival candidates. However, when the first student withdrew from the program, Danny’s next rival, Rose, became a roadblock.
Danny and her mentor, Naomi (Katherine Waterston), resorted to manipulating Rose’s circumstances, and even this effort left her goal incomplete.
The Agency features a talented ensemble cast, including Michael Fassbender as Martian, Jeffrey Wright as Henry, Jodie Turner-Smith as Sami, and Richard Gere as Bosko. The next episode of The Agency, titled The Rubicon, is scheduled to premiere on Friday, January 17, 2025, on Paramount+. In this episode, Danny will reach a pivotal point in her mission.
Danny faced several obstacles in pursuit of Tehran in The Agency, explained
In The Agency, Daniela's goal seems straightforward, but her journey through Season 1 has not been smooth. Operating under the alias Daniela Moreno Acosta, Danny has to first secure a spot in an exchange program led by Iranian seismologist Professor Reza Mortazevi.
In episodes 1 and 2, titled The Bends and Wooden Duck, Danny begins her training under Martian. In a London restaurant, Martian tasks her with extracting personal details from two strangers, a task she completes by leveraging her charm. Martian warns her against such tactics in the field, emphasizing the need to remain forgettable to avoid unwanted attention.
In the episodes Hawk from a Handsaw and Quarterback Blitz, Danny’s mission becomes more complicated. To secure her spot in the Tehran exchange program, she needs Professor Reza’s approval. Reza initially seems impressed but later makes inappropriate advances, which Danny deflects by cleverly manipulating the situation.
Her ability to navigate this scenario without compromising her mission portrays her growing adaptability. However, Reza denies her a speaking opportunity at the institute, a setback that she turns into an advantage by avoiding unnecessary scrutiny.
The obstacles intensify in The Agency episode 5, Rat Trap, where Danny is abducted and interrogated by British agents, only to discover it’s a staged test by her agency. This ordeal pushes her to her limits, but proves her resilience and determination.
In episode 7, Hard Landing, after learning another candidate, Jerome is selected for the Tehran program, Danny enlists fellow CIA operative Edward to intimidate Jerome into stepping down. When Jerome initially refused to step aside, Edward escalated the situation by calling Jerome on his wife’s phone, demonstrating his ability to access her, which ultimately intimidated him.
Danny’s challenges peak in episode 8, Truth Will Set You Free, when she faces competition from Rose, another student chosen for the Tehran program. Danny persuades Rose to go out and celebrate, during which she learns that Rose’s mother, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, wishes to undergo euthanasia in Switzerland but faces opposition from her religious family.
Using this information, Danny and Naomi pose as representatives from Assist UK to discuss the procedure with Rose’s mother, aiming to convince her to proceed, ensuring Rose cannot go to Tehran, and allowing Danny to take her place in The Agency.
Through these episodes, The Agency portrays Danny’s determination, intelligence, and moral struggles. Her inability to reach Tehran so far stems from her need to secure a legitimate and flawless cover, alongside the challenges posed by rivals and situations.
Read More: Where is Coyote in The Agency? Explained
Stream The Agency episode 9 The Rubicon on January 17, 2025, on Paramount+