Amazon Prime Video’s satirical superhero TV series The Boys is finally arriving on the small screens after more than a year of wait. Season 3 of the show aired on June 3, 2022. The show has a stellar cast featuring Antony Starr as Homelander, Karl Urban as Billy Butcher, Chace Crawford as The Deep, and Jensen Ackles as Soldier Boy among many others.
The TV series is based on the comic book series of the same name by Darick Robertson and Garth Ennis. The plot revolves around a group of vigilantes who aim to bring down superheroes exploiting their superpowers.
The Boys season 4 will be premiered on June 13, 2024, at 3 am ET. The first three episodes of season 4 will be released together on the same date. Additionally, Season 5 of the show has also been announced by Prime Video even before the latest season's premiere.
The official synopsis of the last season 3 of the series as per Prime Video reads:
"It's been a year of calm. Homelander's subdued. Butcher works for the government, supervised by Hughie of all people. But both men itch to turn this peace and quiet into blood and bone."
It further continues:
So when The Boys learn of a mysterious Anti-Supe weapon, it sends them crashing into the Seven, starting a war, and chasing the legend of the first Superhero: Soldier Boy."
The Boys Season 4 release time for countries around the world
The first three episodes of this satirical superhero series are coming to Amazon Prime Video on June 13, 2024, as stated. Below is the complete list of release dates and times for the premier for all selective regions within the corresponding time zones.
Showrunner Eric Kripke discussed the new season on X(formerly Twitter) on April 10 and wrote:
"As of today, #TheBoys #Season4 is completely, totally, absolutely DONE. I’m really grateful & so proud of this cast & crew. Could be our best yet. Can’t wait to unleash it onto the world."
Read more: 5 Chace Crawford movies and shows to catch if you like him as The Deep in The Boys
The Boys Season 4 episode list
The synopsis of the season 4 of the show hints at major developments. It reads:
"The world is on the brink. Victoria Neuman is closer than ever to the Oval Office and under Homelander’s muscly thumb as he consolidates his power. Butcher, with only months to live, has lost Becca’s son, and his job as The Boys’ leader."
It further continues:
"The rest of the team are fed up with his lies. With the stakes higher than ever, they must find a way to work together and save the world before it’s too late."
This show will release new episodes on Prime Video every Thursday. Here's the season 4 episode list in its entirety, along with the release date.
Where to stream The Boys?
The show is only available on Prime Video. Viewers will need a basic Prime Video subscription to stream this show. The monthly cost of an Amazon Prime membership is currently $14.99 and $139 a year. A monthly membership to Prime Video costs $8.99.
Read more: 5 times Billy Butcher did the right thing in The Boys
Season 4 of The Boys will be released weekly on Thursday on Prime Video.