The Chosen season 4 concluded with the premiere of episode 8 on June 30, 2024, on the show's official YouTube channel. The season 4 finale episode titled Humble is directed by showrunner Dallas Jenkins and co-written by Tyler Thompson, Ryan Swanson, and Jenkins.
The Chosen season 4 episode 8 chronicles Jesus' last day in Bethany, with the episode's final moments showing him making his fateful journey towards Jerusalem. It also depicts Jewish people's excitement for Jesus' anticipated arrival in the city to celebrate the Passover feast. Lastly, the finale episode beautifully sets up the show's next season to feature Jesus' time in Jerusalem and his eventual crucifixion a few days later.
The synopsis of the historical drama, as per Rotten Tomatoes, is as follows:
"This drama about the life of Jesus Christ introduces Jesus and the calling of his initial disciples, with a discussion after each episode."
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for The Chosen season 4 episode 8.
The Chosen season 4 finale episode connects David's entry into Jerusalem to Jesus' arrival in the city

The Chosen season 4 finale episode begins with a flashback scene that depicts King David's entry into Jerusalem, as per the Old Testament. He is greeted by the sound of cheers and people singing Hosanna, much like the reception his descendant Jesus will receive upon his entry into Jerusalem more than a thousand years later.
David reunites with his second wife, Abigail, and son, Daniel, at the palace. He and Daniel go outside to select a lamb to be sacrificed during Passover. David explains to his son the significance of having the lamb's feet anointed with oil six days before the sacrifice. At night, the couple shares more of the Passover rituals with their son, who listens intently.
David is shown holding the same bridle that will make its way to Jesus (shown at the end of the episode) via Joseph.
Veronica and Jesse prepare for Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem

Following the title sequence, The Chosen season 4 finale episode begins with Veronica and Jesse, who were healed by Jesus in the past. The two are seen singing his praise outside the Temple in Jerusalem as a crowd gathers around them. Just then, a Sadducee arrives and wonders aloud whether Jesus will reach Jerusalem in time for the Passover Feast.
The show circles back to Veronica and Jesse at the end of the episode. They are seen standing outside the Temple with an excited crowd when they hear about Jesus' arrival from the servant who handed over his donkey to his disciples. Feeling elated at the news, Veronica cheerfully sings Hosanna to the Son of David and leads the crowd to the Temple's eastern gates to watch him arrive.
The Romans react to the Jewish celebration of Passover

As Jewish people travel far and wide to reach the city of Jerusalem in celebration of the feast of Passover, Pilate can't help but look at the gathering crowd in amazement. However, Atticus quickly reminds him that Emperor Tiberias expects him to have things under control during the week-long celebrations. The two men discuss the rumors of Lazarus' resurrection and the growing possibility of a Jewish uprising led by Jesus.
King Herod, his wife Herodias, Herod's household manager Chuza, his wife Joanna, and his mistress Cassandra all gather at a lodging in Jerusalem. The group is joined by Pontius Pilate and his wife Claudia for dinner. Just then, Herod receives a message from the High Priest of Israel, Caiaphas, underscoring his concern that Jesus may inspire a revolt similar to the Jewish uprising of the Maccabees some 200 years ago.
After dinner, Joanna and Claudia head outside and talk about their admiration for Jewish people and their unwavering faith. They briefly discuss Chuza's affair with Cassandra. Inspired by the Jewish people's fervor, Joanna decides to divorce her unfaithful husband at last. She experiences a newfound sense of freedom and takes part in the Jewish celebrations by distributing palms to commemorate Jesus' coming.
Mary of Bethany anoints Jesus' feet in The Chosen season 4 episode 8

The first time viewers see Mary in The Chosen season 4 finale episode is when she is purchasing an expensive ointment (or nard) used to anoint the kings in faraway lands like India and China. She spends 300 denarii, which is a year's worth of wages, on an entire flask of the precious ointment.
When she reaches home, Mary finds Jesus seated with his disciples as well as the newly arrived guests, Shmuel and Yussif. She heads straight towards Jesus, proceeds to anoint his feet with ointment, and then uses her hair to wipe them. Shmuel chastises Mary for her immodesty, while Judas rebukes her for being wasteful.
Unfazed by their reactions, Mary addresses Jesus by saying, “Blessed are you, King of the Universe, for you make all things one.” Only Jesus and Lazarus understand that she is indeed preparing his body for burial.
Shmuel, Yussif, and Judas feel disillusioned by Jesus in The Chosen season 4 episode 8

Members of the Sanhedrin meet to discuss the rumors that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, which spread like wildfire. Shmuel volunteers to meet Jesus in person and find out if he indeed is Elijah, the only prophet who can raise the dead.
Meanwhile, Caiaphas announces to the Sanhedrin that he has received a prophecy that states that one man must be sacrificed in order to protect the nation of Israel. Caiaphas relates the prophecy to Jesus and concludes that he must be handed over to the Romans after King Herod's arrival in Jerusalem.
Shmuel and Yussif arrive in Bethany together to meet Jesus at Lazarus' home. Shmuel is greeted warmly by Jesus, although the disciples seem wary of him.During their conversation, the two men warn Jesus of the growing opposition against him at the Sanhedrin. Shmuel tries to decipher if Jesus is the Messiah but feels unsure after Jesus calls himself the fulfillment of the Temple, the sacrifices, and feasts.
Moreover, he feels shocked after Jesus allows Mary to anoint his feet and treat him like God. Shmuel walks away from their interaction, feeling disillusioned with Jesus.
Before leaving, Shmuel and Yussif run into Judas, who urges them to mention Jesus favorably at the Sanhedrin. He tells them that Jesus is the real Messiah, but wishes that he would focus on uniting the Jews so that they could overthrow the Romans and work towards recreating a unified Israel, much like it was under David's kingdom.
Judas and Shmuel also bond over their shared outrage over Mary's behavior towards Jesus. The two men decide to reconvene again in Jerusalem to further discuss their plans.
Jesus heads to Jerusalem to meet his fate

Back in Capernaum, Eden (Simon Peter's wife), Salome, and other followers of Jesus like Shula, Barnaby, and Jairus bid farewell to Gaius before heading to Jerusalem. They join Jesus and his disciples in Bethany and head to the city together in the caravan.
Before their trip, Jesus asks Simon Z and Matthew to go to the nearby village and find an unridden donkey for him to ride into Jerusalem. He does so in order to fulfill the prophecy mentioned in Zechariah 9:9–10, which states the Messiah will come to deliver Israel by riding on a donkey.
The disciples find a servant with such a donkey and inform him that they need it for Jesus. After handing over the donkey, the servant runs towards Jerusalem to announce Jesus' coming. While Atticus, who was keeping an eye on Simon Z and Matthew this whole time, heads off to inform Pilate of the same.
Jesus shares a heartfelt moment with his mother, who gives him the mule bridle that previously belonged to King David, as shown at the start of the episode. Jesus underscores how difficult it must be for her to accept his impending death. In response, Mary takes his hand and assures him that she will travel to Jerusalem with him.
Jesus is joined by the remaining disciples while waiting for the donkey to arrive with Matthew and Simon Z. Before making the fateful journey, he reminds them that he has loved them like his own and will continue to do so till the very end of his life. With that, Jesus and his disciples set off to Jerusalem to fulfill his prophecy.
All episodes of The Chosen season 4 can be streamed on The Chosen App, which is free to download. Additionally, the episodes can also be streamed on BYUtv.