The Diplomat is a gripping political drama series created by Debora Cahn, whose previous works include The West Wing, Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. Cahn also serves as the show's executive producer along with star Keri Russell, Janice Williams and Simon Cellan Jones. The series is produced by Daniel Toland, Russ Hammonds, Amanda Johnson-Zetterström and Nishchal Shome.
The Diplomat premiered its first season on Netflix on April 20, 2023, followed by its second on October 31, 2024. The series was renewed for a third season in October, a few days before the second season's premiere.
The show's official logline, as per Netflix, reads:
"Amid an international crisis, a US diplomat contends with her high-profile new job as ambassador to the UK and her turbulent marriage to a political star."
The Diplomat season 1: A breakdown of its soundtrack
Music for The Diplomat season 1 was composed by Nathan Barr and Dimitri Smith. Additionally, Michael Hill served as the music supervisor and selected all the needle-drops featured in the acclaimed series.
Episode 2: Don’t Call It a Kidnapping
- Central Park West by John Coltrane
- Last Post by Traditional
Episode 7: Keep Your Enemies Closer
- Mariella by Khruangbin & Leon Bridges
Episode 8: The James Blond Clause
- These Shadows by Wooden Shjips
- Quintetto No. 5 in E Major, G. 275: III. Minuetto. Trio by Enrico Casazza & La Magnifica Comunità
- The Great Gig in the Sky by Pink Floyd and Tom Stoppard
Also Read: Will there be a The Diplomat season 3? Explained
Plot summary and cast
The American diplomat Kate Wyler (Keri Russell) is appointed as the new ambassador to the United Kingdom. She's tasked with helping efforts to de-escalate an international crisis created by the bombing of a British aircraft carrier, HMS Courageous, in the Persian Gulf.
Kate is supported in her mission by the deputy chief of mission, Stuart Heyford (Ato Essandoh), who also prepares her for a potential vice-presidential role. Her other trusted allies include the British Foreign Secretary, Austin Dennison (David Gyasi) and CIA station chief Eidra Park (Ali Ahn).
Kate's new role puts her at odds with her opportunistic husband, Hal Wyler (Rufus Sewell), who's also a career diplomat. The couple struggles with the changed power dynamic in their marriage. Also adding to their marital woes is Kate's flirtatious relationship with Dennison that could have far-reaching consequences in the world of diplomacy.
Also Read: Where was The Diplomat season 1 filmed? All filming locations explored
How to watch The Diplomat season 1?
All eight episodes of The Diplomat season 1 are available to stream on Netflix. Viewers will need to purchase a subscription plan to watch the series.
Netflix offers three different plans - the standard plan with ads costs $6.99 per month, while its ad-free version costs $15.49 per month. The standard ad-free plan allows for one extra member to be added to the account for an additional cost of $7.99 per month. Meanwhile, the Premium plan costs $22.99 per month and offers two extra member slots for a price of $7.99 each per month.
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