The Dragon Prince season 6 concluded in July 2024, and season 7 is set to premiere on December 19. It is an animated fantasy TV show set on a fictional continent inhabited by humans, elves, and dragons. The continent is divided into eastern and western parts due to a thousand-year conflict between the three beings. The elves, dragons, and other magical creatures reside in the east, known as Xadia. Meanwhile, humans live in five non-magical kingdoms in the east.
While elves can tap into primal magic by harnessing the power of the sun, moon, ocean, sky, earth, and stars, humans have only learned to use magic by wielding dark magic. Dark Magic involves taking someone's life in exchange.
The Dragon Prince season 6 takes viewers through action-packed adventures and quests as unlikely allies strive to bring peace to the world of men and elves. With season 7 arriving soon, here is a recap of events in season 6.
The Dragon Prince season 6: Aaravos' true motivations are revealed
Perhaps the most important storyline of The Dragon Prince season 6 was the revelation of Aaravos' true motivations to Claudia. Long ago, he had a daughter named Leola, whom he loved dearly. However, instead of spending most of her time in the heavens with her fellow Startouch Elves, she spent time with the mortals in Xadia.
She introduced magic to humanity by gifting them primal stones so they could also cast magic like elves and dragons. However, Sol Regem informed the Startouch Elves about Leola's gift to humanity, leading The Cosmic Order to take her from her father. Since she has broken a sacred law, she is sentenced to death.
Aaravos offers his life in exchange, but the Startouch Elves refuse. This leads to the birth of the Fallen Star. Leola turned into starlight and was cast down on Xadia. The story shows how Aaravos is only interested in revenge against the Startouch Elves.

This story in The Dragon Prince season 6 reveals why Aaravos has been corrupting the minds of mages to do his bidding. He has also been fanning the flames of animosity between humans and other magical creatures (such as the elves) for six seasons of the Netflix show.
Lord Viren fell prey to his deception, and now his daughter Claudia seems to be under Aaravos' influence in The Dragon Prince season 6.
Rayla rescues Runaan
Another interesting storyline in The Dragon Prince season 6 is Rayla attempting to bring back her parents, especially her adoptive father, Runaan. Thanks to a completed quest, Rayla is gifted with extremely rare gems called Quasar Diamonds that can bring people back to life.
All of them are trapped in magic coins. Rayla uses the diamonds to travel to the spirit world. However, one of the diamonds is revealed to be a fake. The real one is revealed to be in Lord Viren's staff, and it is this diamond that Claudia uses to free Aaravos from his prison and restore his form.
Rayla frees her parents' souls, but they choose to pass on. Instead, she saves Runaan and return him to the living world.
Runaan's return to The Dragon Prince season 7 promises much drama in store for fans.
What lies ahead in The Dragon Prince season 7
The Dragon Prince season 6 has set up multiple storylines for season 7. The resurgence of Runaan, Callum and Rayla's budding romance, Aaravos' form being restored, and Claudia being puppeteered and heavily influenced by the powerful mage— all of these powerful plot points will likely be explored in the upcoming season.
Moreover, Callum is carrying the cube right now. Aaravos used the cube, also called the Key of Aaravos, to unlock a book containing knowledge for accessing the six primal magics.
The Dragon Prince season 7 is the final season and will conclude the second saga of The Dragon Prince series. It is set to premiere on December 19, 2024, on Netflix.