Bank Under Siege is an upcoming Spanish political drama miniseries produced by Brutal Media and directed by Daniel Calparsoro. The show, set in May 1981 Spain, tells the story of a bank heist where 11 masked men entered the headquarters of the Central Bank in Barcelona and took 200 hostages.
The series is based on the actual Central Bank hostage crisis that happened on May 23, 1981, in Barcelona, just three months after the attempted coup by the Civil Guards and members of the military. The bank robbery was staged as a political move to free the mastermind of the coup, Colonel Tejero, and three other prisoners.
The series also follows a passionate reporter, Miader, who races against time and risks her life to uncover the truth behind the actions of the robbers. Bank Under Seige will release on Netflix on November 8, 2024. It stars Miguel Herrán, María Pedraza, Juan José Ballesta, Rafael Ayuso, Claudio Villarrubia and Hovik Keuchkerian in prominent roles.
Bank Under Siege is based on the 1981 Barcelona Central Bank heist
Bank Under Siege is set in one of the most tumultuous times in Spanish political history. It tells the true story of the Central Bank robbery and hostage crisis in Barcelona. On May 23, 1981, eleven armed and masked robbers entered the Bank around 9 a.m.
What seemed like a bank robbery soon became a political crisis as the robbers held 200 people hostage inside the bank and demanded to free Colonel Tejero and three other prisoners, who were held after their failed attempted coup, three months back.
In the series, a reporter, Maider, played by Maria Pedraza, puts herself in danger for the pursuit of truth about the crisis and the robbers, which the government might be hiding.
The crisis went on for 37 hours as the world saw the situation unfolding and the political instability of the country got exposed. One of the eleven robbers was killed, nine were taken down, while one escaped.
The story and characters depicted in the show are mostly based on real events and people. However, the creators have taken creative liberties to make the narrative more crisp and compelling.
Where and how to watch Bank Under Siege?
Bank Under Siege will be released on Netflix on November 8, 2024. The miniseries, directed by Daniel Calparsoro consists of five episodes, and all the episodes will be available for streaming on the platform at once.
Fans can watch the miniseries with a Netflix subscription which ranges from $6.99 to $22.99 in the United States. At $6.99 per month, one can access the entire library of movies, documentaries and shows and stream in an ad-supported standard video quality.
The $22.99 package allows users to stream stream videos at Ultra HD without ads on up to six devices. The cost of a Netflix subscription may vary according to user location.
Who is in the cast of Bank Under Siege?
The main cast of the miniseries includes Miguel Herrán, María Pedraza and Hovik Keuchkerian. The three actors are recognized from the globally popular Netflix series Money Heist. Juan José Ballesta, Claudio Villarrubia and Rafael Ayuso play supporting roles.
List of the cast of Bank Under Siege
- Hovik Keuchkerian
- María Pedraza as Maider
- Miguel Herrán as José Juan Martínez Gómez
- Juan José Ballesta as Cueves
- Claudio Villarrubia as Cristobal
- Rafael Ayuso as Chófer de topete
- Chemi Hitos as Juan Manuel
- Tomy Aguilera
- Isak Férriz
- Pablo Vázquez
- Pablo Béjar
- Laura Barceló
- Gerard Torres
- Patricia Vico
- Alba de la Fuente
- Francesc Tort
- José Emilio Vera
- Antón Soto
Bank Under Siege will release on Netflix on November 8, 2024.