The Franchise is an upcoming comedy series from HBO, directed by Sam Mendes (known for Skyfall, Spectre, and American Beauty). Armando Iannucci and Jon Brown (known for Succession and Veep) are credited as the creators of the series along with Mendes. HBO released a trailer, which also provided its much-awaited release date.
The Franchise is scheduled to premiere on Max on Sunday, October 6, 2024. The show takes a satirical look behind the scenes of the chaotic world of superhero films (especially the creators behind these films). The trailer promises a hilarious watch for viewers with witty outtakes on big-budget superhero franchises.
The upcoming series stars Himesh Patel (known for Yesterday, Tenet, and Station Eleven) as one of the main producers, along with Lolly Adefope (known for Saltburn and Seize Them). Follow along with the article to learn all about the release date, plot, and more.
Release date and schedule of The Franchise on HBO
The HBO series will be released for streaming on Max. As mentioned earlier, The Franchise has been scheduled to release on Max on Sunday, October 6, 2024, at 10 pm ET/PT.
The release date and time of the series may vary depending on the regions where viewers will access Max. To provide better clarity, here is a look at the release date and time across different timezones:
What to expect from The Franchise based on its trailer?
The newly released trailer of The Franchise provides a sneak peek into the gigantic set of the fictitious superhero film Tecto: Eye of the Storm. As per the trailer, the film is well into production. It follows the crew of the film as they attempt to survive the stress of working on a multimillion-dollar project that looks doomed to fail. Producing crew Daniel (Himesh Patel) and Dag (Lolly Adefope) are shown having a rough time dealing with temperamental performers and fire scares.
The official synopsis of the series as per HBO reads:
"[The Franchise] follows the crew of an unloved franchise movie fighting for their place in a savage and unruly cinematic universe. The comedy series shines a light on the secret chaos inside the world of superhero moviemaking, to ask the question — how exactly does the cinematic sausage get made? Because every f*ck-up has an origin story."
The atmosphere on set grows more chaotic as various studio executives show up to offer remarks that conflict with the director's vision. The trailer suggests that Tecto is the kind of film where the drama behind the scenes ultimately overshadows the film. Hilarious and sharply satirical, the trailer provides a deep dive into famous superhero franchises helmed by DC and Marvel. However, this time the satire goes behind the scenes rather than the characters themselves.
The Franchise: Members of the cast
The upcoming series features an ensemble cast consisting of several recurring characters too. Here is a look at the prominent actors and the characters they portray in the upcoming series:
- Himesh Patel as Daniel
- Lolly Adefope as Dag
- Aya Cash as Anita
- Darren Goldstein as Pat
- Jessica Hynes as Steph
- Isaac Cole Powell as Bryson
- Billy Magnussen as Adam
- Richard E. Grant as Peter
- Daniel Brühl as Eric
- Ruaridh Mollica in an undisclosed role
Stay tuned for the release of HBO's latest comedy venture, The Franchise, scheduled to be released on Max on Sunday, October 6, 2024.