In The Legend of Vox Machina season 2, the team embarks on a perilous mission to acquire the Vestiges of Divergence, ancient artifacts that possess capabilities beyond measured might. Among these magical artifacts is the leather armor of Deathwalker's Ward, which Vax'ildan (Liam O'Brien) acquired after a fatal encounter with the Matron of Ravens.
It was originally forged to encase Purvan Suul, a champion of the Raven Queen, and now binds Vax into the heart of his character's journey. Vax's Deathwalker's Ward is an incredibly powerful armor that enhances his agility. It provides elemental protection and ultimately grants the ability to fly.
With Vax in the Deathwalker's Ward, the show allows him to be noticeably more agile and gain further capabilities in combat. As The Legend of Vox Machina does not precisely cover every aspect of the armor, it incorporates lore from Critical Role's Exandria and basic rules in Dungeons & Dragons.
Why was the Deathwalker’s Ward created on The Legend of Vox Machina?
The Ward of the Deathwalker comes with a history buried in the deep divine conflicts of Exandria, specifically tied with the Calamity. The apocalyptic war saw gods opting to select mortal champions to fight in their stead, and these champions were armed with the Vestiges of Divergence—artifacts imbued with divine magic.
The Deathwalker's Ward was made for Purvan Suul, a Matron of Ravens follower and goddess of death. His reputation as a fearsome champion of the Raven Queen assured that his armor was sealed on him at death, giving it an aspect of divine favor and protection.
This is more than just a relic of a bygone age. It was made with some essence of the Raven Queen's domain, a spark that would perhaps set its wearer onto a different path that would prove decisive in the battle.
As a piece of armor designed to protect a champion of death, it lets the wearer defy death itself- an ability that Vax realizes when he bargains with the Raven Queen to save his sister's life. This divine connection makes the Deathwalker's Ward more than just protective gear-it becomes a conduit for the Matron's will.
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How does the Deathwalker’s Ward affect Vax in The Legend of Vox Machina?
In The Legend of Vox Machina, the first time Vax gets Deathwalker's Ward, it ties him to how he is supernaturally tied to him. His inability to remove the armor represents the tie between him and the Raven Queen to whom he is bound. This ties to Vax's fate; he now answers directly to the goddess of death.
This gives him enhanced physical abilities, such as mobility and dodging; he can easily dodge attacks, as indicated in season 2 episode 4 of The Legend of Vox Machina.
It is also very similar to the central ability of Deathwalker's Ward in the Dungeons & Dragons rules: it increases the Armor Class, meaning that a person wears armor or becomes much harder to hit in battle.
In addition to improving his skill at avoiding damage, the armor carries an ominous price. Visions of Purvan Suul visit Vax, and it would seem that the armor proves its mettle in a new champion for the Raven Queen.
These visions compel Vax to grapple with his suppressed death fears, too, and finally find himself bound to play the role of servitude for the Matron. The armor granted Vax an extremely powerful amount of power but tied him instead to the will of the Raven Queen. Perhaps that could become a burden for Vax someday.
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What are the full powers of the Deathwalker’s Ward?

While in The Legend of Vox Machina, it is unknown how much the Deathwalker's Ward can exactly do, its description in critical Role and actual Dungeons & Dragons mechanics have established that the armor evolves with the wearer and becomes stronger over time.
In its initial form, it increases Vax's evasion and Armor Class so he can survive lethal situations more easily. As he becomes more accustomed to the armor, it should reveal elemental resistances, shielding him from powerful forces like fire or lightning, which are abilities critical in fighting the dragon members of the Chroma Conclave.
At its ultimate power, it is an even greater boon to the wearer: Deathwalker's Ward gives them raven-like wings that spread out of the back and allow for flight. This would thus provide Vax with completely unmatched mobility out of a fight and in the fray, providing him with a strategic advantage over foes.
As Vox Machina presses on, Vax's control over the armor will only grow further and reveal more aspects of its divine potential. Whether or not these abilities come at an even steeper price is yet to be seen, but for now, the Deathwalker's Ward has revolutionized the fight against the ancient dragons.
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Interested viewers can watch The Legend of Vox Machina on Amazon Prime Video every Friday.