The Legend of Vox Machina is an animated fantasy series based on the first campaign of the Dungeons & Dragons series, Critical Role. The show sees a range of voice actors reprising their roles from Critical Role and is currently in its third season.
Season 3, which has a total of 12 episodes, premiered earlier this month. Episodes 1-3 were released on October 3, 2024, followed by episodes 4-6, which premiered on October 10. The latest episode dump happened on October 17, 2024, which saw the release of episodes 7-9.
The Legend of Vox Machina follows a unique release schedule, with the final three episodes of the season, episodes 10-12, set to premiere on October 24, 2024. The final three episodes will not only culminate the season but also delve into the aftermath of Thordak’s death, which happened in a thrilling episode 9.
The Legend of Vox Machina: When and where to watch episodes 10-12
The final episodes will be available at 12 AM GMT on Amazon Prime Video on October 24, 2024. The three episodes and their titles will be released according to the following schedule:
The Legend of Vox Machina: Episode 9 recap, and what to expect in episodes 10-12
The upcoming episodes will take place after the events of episode 9, titled Thordak’s Throne. In it, the Vox Machina team was embroiled in a do-or-die battle against Thordak, the Cinder King, and his allies. Kash is crushed to his death, and his soul is claimed by the Matron of Ravens. The episode also saw Scanlan suffering from injuries in the battle and entering a deep coma in the end.
However, the Vox Machina, owing to a betrayal of Thordak by Raishan, are able to destroy the Cinder King. They also successfully destroy Thordak’s eggs, some of which begin to hatch during the process. The episode ended with the team taking stock of their losses in the face of an emotional victory.
While Thordak was killed, his body was taken in by Raishan, setting the stage up for further battle. The Vox Machina team, despite Raishan’s betrayal of his allies, is seen confused about her intentions. Regardless, the episode can be expected to have brought the end of Thordak, played by Lance Reddick.
Liam O’Brien, speaking about the upcoming episodes to Radio Times, claimed the following about what lies ahead:
“Well, I'm gonna dance around spoilers like Vax and the Deathwalker's Ward, but suffice it to say, dealing with Umbrasyl in the end of season 2 was barely possible, and there is going to be great cost for every step they take through this chapter of the story in season 3."
He continued:
"We are going to break your hearts, we came in looking to break your hearts, so get your hearts ready to be broken."
Hence, even as the Vox Machina emerged victorious, they suffered multiple losses in their continuing quest to flee Exandria. The upcoming episodes can be expected to introduce further obstacles in their path.
All seasons of The Legend of Vox Machina are available to stream on Amazon Prime Video.