Netflix’s chilling three-part docuseries The Man with 1000 Kids was released on July 3, 2024. The docuseries tells the story of the Dutchman Jonathan Meijer, who allegedly deceived several families in the Netherlands and beyond by donating his sperm to families living in close proximity and by hiding this fact from his clients.
Eve Wiley, a fertility fraud activist who appears in the docuseries, estimates that Meijer could have fathered anywhere between 600 and 3000 children. The synopsis of the series reads:
“A group of families learn the charismatic man they had trusted is sperm donor to hundreds — or perhaps thousands — of other children across the world.”
The Man with 1000 Kids has filled many viewers with rage and frustration, and many have taken to the internet to expose allegedly similar cases. For instance, a Reddit user has recently claimed that a group in the US carries out similar "sickening" activities.
"There's a donor group on Facebook with men that are obsessed with donating. It's called USA Sperm donors. They donate in person, ship all over the country and naturally inseminate women," a part of the post claimed.
The Man with 1000 Kids: A "sickening" real-life parallel from USA
Reddit user StrawberryOverall925 feels that a docuseries like The Man with 1000 Kids should have come out sooner. The Facebook group named in the post allegedly carries out dubious sperm-donation activities that easily reminds one of the docuseries.
The Reddit post claims that the donor group on Facebook called USA Sperm Donors has members who are "obsessed with donating." Not only do they donate in person, but they also allegedly offer to "naturally inseminate" women.
As per the claims of the post, several people donate sperm to others without informing their spouses of the same, with some men even taking this up as a "full-time job" and charging each client over $300 per shipment. The post calls this network of sperm donation "sickening."
The Netflix docuseries tells the real-life story of how Jonathan Meijer donated his sperm to hundreds of couples across the world. He would allegedly hide from his clients the fact that he donated sperm to families living close to each other.
If families living close by bear children from the same male parent, and if they are unaware of it, it significantly increases the risk of unwitting incest among members of the future generation. This has severe medical consequences as it potentially puts at risk the health of the children who are the result of such an incestuous relationship.
Fertility fraud activist Eve Wiley thinks that the Dutchman has taken advantage of the fact that there is no internationally fixed limit to how many clients a sperm donor can donate to.
Read more: Every country 'The Man with 1000 Kids' potentially has a baby in
The whereabouts of Meijer
Jonathan Meijer has claimed that The Man with 1000 Kids is misleading. Further, he believes that he has done nothing wrong. A globe-trotter for many years now, he continues to travel around the world and keeps posting vlogs on his YouTube channel.
As per Tudum, the subject of The Man with 1000 Kids was last seen in Zanzibar, as revealed by him in one of his YouTube videos. Director Josh Allott tried to convince him to appear in the docuseries, but in vain.
“I did meet [Jonathan] in order to speak to him about being in the documentary. We approached him a number of times to be interviewed and gave him a right to reply at the end. He refused to comment on any of the allegations in the series,” he told Tudum.
Meijer's alleged activities have infuriated his clients. The Man with 1000 Kids shows several couples, such as Suzanne and Natalie, Laura and Kate, Joyce and John, who gradually realize Meijer's alleged deception. A lengthy legal battle ensues to bring him to book.
The docuseries not only highlights Meijer's clients' plight but it also probes into the psychology of the donor that may have led him to act as he has.
Read more: 5 chilling facts from The Man with 1000 Kids
The Man with 1000 Kids is now streaming on Netflix.