The Manny season 2, also called El Niñero, is a Mexican drama and comedy series that centers on the lives of a single mother and busy executive, Jimena, her three troublesome children, and a male nanny, Gabriel (also called Gaby). Season 2 is set to release on Netflix on December 18, 2024.
The series effortlessly blends elements of comedy and intense drama. It challenges conventional roles of gender norms and love when Jimena is forced to hire a male nanny for her three kids. It turns out that he isn't just the perfect babysitter for her two sons and daughter; he also might be her perfect partner.
Gaby is a cowboy with a gentle side that appeals to both Jimena and her kids. Besides challenging conventional stereotypes, the rancher shares a unique love connection with Jimena.
In season 1, she finally accepts her feelings for him. Moreover, the story also highlights the professional struggles that Jimena faces in the hopes of taking over her father's company.
The Manny season 2 will be released on December 18, 2024
As mentioned above, The Manny season 2 is slated to release exclusively on Netflix on December 18, 202. Season 1 had 10 episodes, so there is an expectation that the second season will also feature 8-10 episodes. All episodes will be released on Netflix at 12 am Pacific Time.
The following table represents the release date and time for The Manny season 2 with the corresponding time zones:
Cast and characters
A list of the cast and their characters in The Manny season 2 is given below:
- Sandra Echeverría as Jimena, the single mother and busy executive
- Iván Amozurrutia as Gabriel/Gaby, the rancher and Jimena's new nanny
- Diana Bovio as Brenda, Jimena's best friend and colleague
- Josemaría Torre Hütt as Joaquín, Jimena's ex-husband and father to her children
- Anthony Giulietti as Leo, Jimena's youngest son
- Cassandra Iturralde as Sofia, Jimena's only daughter
- Alexander Tavizón as Santiago, Jimena's oldest son
- Eugenio Montessoro as Ernesto, Jimena's father
Plot summary
The official synopsis of The Manny reads:
"A busy executive hires a cowboy to care for her kids in a moment of panic. Little does she know he'll challenge her views of gender roles — and of love."
According to a report released by Netflix, the Spanish series topped Mexico's top 10 most-watched shows and held the spot for seven weeks. Globally, it received 8.2 million views.
Everything to know about season 1 before season 2
Season 1 of the Netflix series started with Jimena struggling to find the perfect nanny for her three children after unsuccessfully employing several nannies. It never worked out with any of them, but somehow, Gaby turned out to be the perfect fit.
The cowboy entered Jimena's life and provided her with the calmness and fun she needed while juggling her personal and professional life. At first, she isn't sure about hiring a male nanny, but Gaby challenges her ideas of conventional gender roles. She eventually warms up to him and trusts him.
Jimena also agrees that everything in her house has improved since his arrival. In turn, Gaby acknowledges his attraction to her.
Although Jimena's ex-husband, Joaquín, tries to win her back, she and Gaby share an undeniable chemistry. The first season sets the stage for these two to begin a relationship finally.
Meanwhile, Gaby is focused on saving his father's ranch. He hides his true intentions from Jimena.
The Manny season 2 will be released on Netflix on December 18, 2024. Stay tuned for more news and updates as the second season releases.