The first episode of The Batman spinoff The Penguin premiered on Max and HBO on Thursday, September 19, 2024. Set a week after the events of the Robert Pattinson film, the series follows Colin Farrell's Oswald Cobb as he tries to make a name for himself in Gotham's criminal underworld after the death of Carmine Falcone. However, there are others who are gunning for the position too.
Titled After Hours, the premiere episode saw Oswald Cobb kill the new head of the Falcone family, Alberton Falcone, and take in a young kid by the name of Victor to be his enforcer. Additionally, fans were introduced to Sofia Falcone and Sal Maroni, and both of them have run-ins with Oswald throughout the series.
With the first episode setting up the high stakes, fans can expect a lot to come in episode 2 of The Penguin, titled Inside Man, set to premiere on September 29, 2024. From Oswald making a play for the incoming drug shipment to Sofia trying to head the Falcone family, the drama is surely going to get explosive.
What viewers can expect from The Penguin episode 2
Oswald going after the drug shipment
The Penguin episode 1 saw Alberto Falcone reveal that he plans to revolutionize the drug business in Gotham as he has a shipment coming in. However, after Oz killed Falcone, he started using the idea as his own and even mentioned it to the extended Falcone family, who wanted him to shut down his operations. But with Sofia knowing about the plan as well, things got a bit awkward for him.
Sofia had suspicions that Oz may have killed Alberto, but when he was able to get his name cleared thanks to Victor, Oswald revealed that he aims to go after the drug shipment and wants to make a name for himself as well. Fans can certainly expect to see Oswald live up to that promise in the upcoming episode, or at least attempt for it to make sure that his business keeps running.
A power struggle in Gotham
With Sofia Falcone in the mix, she would definitely try to make a play for becoming the new head of the family now. As society considers her an outcast and a freak, she would want to make sure that she is more than that. What better way to do so than by taking over and controlling the biggest criminal operation in Gotham?
However, The Penguin episode 1 also set up a conflict with the Maroni family. With Sal Maroni now knowing that Oswald wants to join his operation and him getting to know about the drug shipment, he would also want to get his operation back to the top spot. But one thing's for sure, fans can expect to see Oswald play both sides so that he can rise to the top.
Backstory on Victor
The Penguin introduced Victor Aguilar, an original character created for the show. While the show set him up to be Oswald's "Robin," fans can anticipate more from him going forward. Not to mention, maybe fans would get to learn more about his backstory and who he was before meeting Oswald.
There is also the question of where his story would lead, and with Victor having the same motivations as Oswald, he would want to make him get on the top too.
Starring Colin Farrell, Cristin Milioti, Rhenzy Feliz, Clancy Brown, and more, The Penguin episode 2 will premiere next Sunday on Max and HBO.