The Penguin episode 5, titled Homecoming, premiered on HBO and Max on October 20, 2024, and focused on the aftermath of events following the ending of episodes 3 and 4. The outing saw Oswald Cobb and Victor Aguilar recoup following the Maronis blowing his cover in front of Sofia Falcone and assembling his own goons to start making a move of their own in Gotham.
Moreover, The Penguin episode 5 saw Sofia Falcone take over the Falcone family after killing off everyone in an "accidental" gas leak. But she didn't just stop there. going one step ahead and ending the war between the Falcones and Maronis and making an alliance with Sal Maroni to get revenge on Oswald after he had killed his family.
This week's outing of The Penguin sets up the remainder of the season in a huge way. It looks like in The Penguin episode 6, titled Gold Summit, fans will finally get to see Oswald take charge of Gotham's criminal underworld in a huge way. That's also showcased in the preview for episode 6, while Sofia and Sal will be out on the hunt for him as well.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the writer's opinions on spoilers of The Penguin. Reader discretion is advised.
What can fans expect from The Penguin episode 6?
Oswald's takeover of the Bliss business
In episode 3 of The Penguin, Oswald and Sofia teamed up to distribute a new strain of drug called Bliss, which was made from the same medication that inmates were given at Arkham.
While the duo were successful in finding a distributor and having a successful trial run, the night took a turn for the worse when the Maronis cornered them and revealed to Sofia that Oswald had killed her brother.
However, the ending of episode 5 teases that Oswald is ready to move in on the Bliss business, as he and Victor discover the abandoned underground railroad tunnels in Gotham. Noticing that they could grow the mushrooms for Bliss suitably and move on with production, the episode ends there.
In episode 6, fans can expect to see Oswald make a move on the Bliss business and start developing it in the tunnels. The teaser for the upcoming outing shows that as well.
Oswald teaming up with the crime families
While Oswald and Sofia found a distributor successfully, his partnership ended, making him the sole person left in the venture. With Sofia out of his plan, he will be the only distributor of Bliss and will want to expand his venture so that he can be as successful as Carmine and the Maronis were with the drops.
The teaser for episode 6 shows Oswald teaming up with the other families to "take back Gotham," and this will be a prime factor for him to become the kingpin he wants to be.
Sofia and Sal teaming up
In episode 6, fans can also expect to see Sofia and Sal team up to take out Oswald. Sofia ended up in Arkham due to Oswald snitching about her to her father, and he killed Alberto as well, bringing her enough pain. On Sal's side, Oswald crossed him and killed his wife and son as well - so both he and Sofia have enough reasons to go after him.
However, it's still a Falcone (or Gigante as Sofia likes to call herself) teaming up with a Maroni - so there's still enough room for things to go wrong.
Fans can tune in for The Penguin episode 6 when it premieres on October 27, 2024.