The Penguin episode 6 was released on HBO and Max on October 27, 2024. Titled Gold Summit, the outing saw Oswald Cobb and the gang begin their Bliss operation in the underground railroad tunnels of Gotham, while Sal Maroni and Sofia Gigante investigated how to get revenge on the man who brought them so much pain.
This week's outing of The Penguin ended on a major cliffhanger which saw Sofia Falcone discover that Oswald's mother Francis is still alive. With that cliffhanger, fans will certainly be anticipating episode 7 of the series.
With the seventh episode of the show, titled Top Hat, also being its penultimate, fans will definitely want to tune in for this. So, if you're wondering when you can tune in for it, then you can do so when it premieres on Max on November 3, 2024 at 9 pm ET.
The Penguin episode 7 release time explored
The Penguin episode 7, titled Top Hat, will premiere on Sunday, November 3, 2024, at 9 pm Eastern Standard Time on Max. Since the episode will premiere in an Eastern Standard Time format, the release time for different regions will differ.
Below is a table that will tell you the release time for different time zones.
Where to watch The Penguin episode 7?
The Penguin can be exclusively checked out on HBO and Max, and episode 7 of the Colin Farrell-starrer will be available when it premieres on November 3, 2024 in the USA.
For fans in India, they can check out the show on JIO Cinema, and for fans in the United Kingdom, the show can be watched on Sky Atlantic and Now TV.
However, to watch the show, fans will require a valid subscription to the services. If you already have a valid subscription to the services, then the show will be available to viewers at no further cost.
The Penguin episode 6 recap
The Penguin episode 6 saw Oswald Cobb run his Bliss operation underneath Gotham while above Sofia Gigante and Sal Maroni tried getting revenge on him.
They do throw a wrench in his operation by killing a few of his suppliers to send messages to the crime families working with him, and Oswald then improvises by giving out Bliss for free to drive up demand for his drug.
The episode then sees Sofia seek out Eve Karlo to kill her so that she can hurt Oswald. However, Eve gives Sofia the means to find her and tells her to kill her and leave her girls alone as she still thinks that she is the Hangman.
But Sofia then explains that she isn't the Hangman and that her father was responsible for killing her friends and that Oswald helped him cover his crimes up.
Eve then tells Sofia that Oswald is hiding at Crown Point. Oswald on the other hand holds a meeting with the crime families in Gotham to get them on his side. He is then successful in doing so turning them against Sofia and Sal.
However, the episode ends with Sofia discovering that Oswald's mother is still alive and looking at her dancing with Victor while holding a crowbar in her hand.
What can fans expect from The Penguin episode 7?
Going into the penultimate episode of the series, fans can expect to see Sofia and Sal use Francis Cobb as leverage to get revenge on Oswald. The preview for the episode confirms this as fans get to see Oswald being threatened by Sal Maroni to showcase his Bliss operation or his mother will get hurt.
Aside from that, the preview also teases that Sofia and Julian Rush will be working together to get revenge on Oswald. So fans can expect to see their relationship grow as well.
For further updates on the show, stay tuned with us.