The The Rig season 2 premiered on January 2, 2025, exclusively on Amazon Prime Video. The series continues its supernatural thriller storyline, expanding the mystery that gripped viewers in the first season. Created by David Macpherson and directed by John Strickland, The Rig season 2 features six new episodes.
Returning cast members include Emily Hampshire as Rose Mason, Iain Glen as Magnus MacMillan, Martin Compston as Fulmer Hamilton, and Rochenda Sandall as Cat Braithwaite. New additions to the cast include Ross Anderson as Kyle Cameron, Alice Krige as Morgan Lennox, Johannes Roaldsen Fürst as Askel, and Jacob Fortune-Lloyd as Darian York.
Season 2 opens with the surviving crew of Kinloch Bravo being taken to another rig called The Stac, located in the Arctic. Isolated once again, the crew faces new threats as they try to understand the mysterious organism known as the Ancestor.
The story focuses on the fallout from the tsunami that hit the North Sea, revealing global consequences and political intrigue. With Pictor Energy’s continued manipulation and new discoveries about the Ancestor, the crew finds themselves battling both external and internal conflicts.
Let's explore the soundtracks that enhance the atmospheric tension surrounding the second season. British electronic musician named Benjamin John Power aka Blanck Mass has composed 23 songs (44 min 15 sec) for the show.
The list of all soundtracks of The Rig season 2
Here is the track list of The Rig season 2:
- First Contact – 1:51
- Ancestor Attacks – 4:17
- Intel – 1:28
- No More Survivors – 1:14
- She Will – 0:36
- Under It – 1:19
- Emergency Hub – 1:05
- Sensible Minds – 1:08
- We’re Taking Her Out – 2:17
- Ice Testing – 2:58
- Reunited – 1:18
- Understanding – 1:06
- The Wonder – 6:50
- Epiphany – 2:21
- Not a Lot of Options Left – 1:59
- It’s Yours – 1:10
- Into the Moonpool – 2:02
- I Know Just the Guy – 1:05
- Showdown – 1:21
- A Cry for Help – 1:53
- Lights Out – 2:09
- Disaster Is the Doorway – 1:46
- The Rig S2 (End Credits) – 1:04
What is The Rig season 2 about?
The Rig season 2 picks up right after the tsunami hits the Kinloch Bravo oil rig. The surviving crew is evacuated to another rig called The Stac, located in the Arctic. Rose Mason (Emily Hampshire) and Magnus MacMillan (Iain Glen) are forced to regroup while dealing with the fallout from the Ancestor’s awakening.
The crew quickly realizes that The Stac is part of Pictor Energy’s larger plan to exploit the ocean floor, raising questions about their safety and the company’s real motives.
At The Stac, Rose and Fulmer Hamilton (Martin Compston) are placed under observation due to their exposure to the spores, but tensions rise when the crew is offered hush money to stay silent about what happened at Kinloch Bravo. Meanwhile, Morgan Lennox (Alice Krige), the new CEO of Pictor, claims the company is focused on mining rare earth metals for renewable energy, but her real agenda remains unclear.
A rescue mission is conducted to retrieve a lost survey team at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, but the crew discovers that the members had been killed. The Ancestor reacts violently to the disturbance, cutting off communication with The Stac. Fulmer, who is still connected to the Ancestor, starts having visions, making it clear that the organism is trying to send a message.
Tensions escalate when it’s revealed that Pictor’s plan is to poison the Ancestor’s core and destroy it entirely. Rose fights to protect the creature, believing it to be a force that sustains life, not destroys it. The season ends with Rose using her connection to the Ancestor to revive it, but the crew faces new threats as military forces target The Stac, setting up even bigger challenges for the future.
The Rig season 2 is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video.