ABC's popular police procedural drama, The Rookie season 7 aired its first episode on January 7, 2025. The latest season continues to follow the personal and professional lives of LAPD officers at the Mid-Wilshire Division. The leading character of the show is John Nolan, the oldest rookie turned training officer at the Los Angeles Police Department.
Created by Alexi Hawley, The Rookie stars Nathan Fillion in the central role of Officer John Nolan. He is accompanied by an ensemble cast including Alyssa Diaz, Richard T. Jones, Melissa O'Neil, Mekia Cox, Shawn Ashmore, Eric Winter, Jenna Dewan, and Lisseth Chavez.
Season 7 of The Rookie picks up a few weeks after the events of the season 6 finale that aired in May 2024. The show also introduces two new rookies this season, Seth Ridley and Miles Penn.
Seth Ridley and Miles Penn are the new characters on The Rookie season 7
As seen in episode 1, Seth Ridley and Miles Penn are the newest additions to The Rookie season 7. The duo are portrayed with contrasting personalities, bringing new challenges to the team dynamics at the Mid-Wilshire Division.
Seth Ridley is nicknamed 'fainting goat' by Tim Bradford, who takes a dig at the timid yet earnest recruit, who joined the force with the hopes of helping people. He is assigned as the rookie of Lucy Chen, and fans get to see how he struggles with the intensity of a police officer's life in the very first episode.
While handling a case, Seth throws up over a robbery suspect who OD'd. It is later revealed that his reaction was a trauma response since his high school girlfriend OD'd in front of him.
On the other hand, Miles Penn, nicknamed the 'peacock,' is an overconfident rookie who was a former Texas officer with two years of experience. Since he has experience, he views himself as a rookie in name only, and this puts him at odds with his training officer, Tim Bradford.
It is revealed in the end that despite his flashy demeanor, Miles is living in his car. The revelation leaves room for exploring the character's background and adds mystery to his arc.
John Nolan is back in action
After suffering a gunshot wound in the previous season, John Nolan returns to action in The Rookie season 7. On his first day back on the job, he is seen surveilling from a rooftop to track the escaped prisoners, Oscar Hutchinson and Jason Wyler.
Talking to his rookie, Celina Juarez, Nolan sets up the premise for the new season by revealing that Bailey is working with the National Guard and Wade Grey has been promoted from sergeant to lieutenant. Juarez also says later in the episode that Aaron is “over in North Hollywood, settling in and happy that no one at the station knows he was a patient of Blair’s,” justifying Tru Valentino's exit from the show.
After a raid and shootout, the team apprehends several criminals, but Oscar and Jason are not captured. In another armed robbery case in the same episode, Nolan hesitates to take a shot, which results in the thief openly firing and hurting a civilian.
The failures make Nolan regret his decision, but fans see him at the center of the action towards the end when he takes down two suspects involved in a stolen battlefield nuke case.
Other highlights from The Rookie season 7 episode 1
Tim and Lucy engage in a fun banter
Despite their breakup in season 6, Tim and Lucy engage in some fun banter in The Rookie season 7. Lucy, who is newly promoted to training officer, is paired with rookie Seth Ridley, while Tim is assigned Miles Penn. Tim offers Lucy pointers on how to train, but she brushes it off by saying that her approach will be more 'modern.'
Tim provokes Lucy, and the former lovers quickly strike a bet on who will train the better rookie, with success measured by daily reports. As they compare notes on the first day of their rookies’, fans get a glimpse of their playful back-and-forth. The fun exchanges can set up a storyline that will rekindle their dynamic.
Evers is assigned to review the evidence against Monica and Blair
Angela's husband, Assistant District Attorney Wesley Evers, is temporarily assigned to review evidence from the Monica and Blair corruption case in The Rookie season 7. While going through Blair's therapy sessions, Evers finds that Detective Graham fantasizes about Angela Lopez.
When he confronts Graham, Graham questions Evers’ relationship with Lopez in retaliation. Although Angela reassures Evers that she is happy at the end, the incident does plant doubt in his mind, which could add tension to their relationship in the coming episodes.
The Rookie season 7 airs on ABC on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET.