This is Not Hollywood is an Italian true crime drama series directed by Pippo Mezzapesa from a screenplay he has co-written with Antonella Gaeta and Davide Serino. The series is based on the book Sarah: La ragazza di Avetrana by Carmine Gazzanni and Flavia Piccinni, which follows the Avetrana case about the 2010 murder of Sarah Scazzi.
The murder got instant media coverage while the police were investigating the twisted case in which the victim's cousin, uncle, and aunt were found guilty.
This is Not Hollywood was screened at the 19th Rome Film Festival and is slated to be released on Hulu on December 11, 2024. It was released on Disney+ on October 25, 2024.
The series stars Federica Pala, Giulia Perulli, Paolo De Vita, and Vanessa Scalera in prominent roles.
This is Not Hollywood is based on the Avetrana case
On August 26, 2010, in the quiet small town in the Apulian outskirts called Avetrana, a young teenager, Sarah Scazzi, went missing.
Her sudden disappearance was reported by her mother, Concetta Serrano, but initially, the investigation was focused on finding reasons why Sarah would have run away.
Soon, the media got involved, and her private life, secret diary, and social media profile were discussed publicly. Sarah was portrayed as a restless teenager capable of being an escapee.
Later, the investigation pivoted towards the possibility of kidnapping, but given her family's modest economic situation, it was soon ruled out. According to The Sun, the police got a breakthrough when Sarah's uncle Michele Antonio Misseri found her half-burned mobile phone in a field.
Sarah's body, strangled to death, was soon found at the bottom of a well. Sarah's mother, Concetta, found out about her death on live television.
Who killed Sarah Scazzi in This is Not Hollywood?
Before the body was found, the police suspected Michele Antonio Misseri and his family of foul play. As per The Sun, as the investigators closed in, Michele confessed to killing Sarah after a failed r*pe attempt and indicated the place where he hid her body.
However, on October 15, 2010, he retracted his statement and confirmed the investigator's suspicion about his daughter Sabrina's involvement in the murder.
It turned out that Sarah died during a game, which turned into a heated argument between her and Sabrina.
Sabrina's motive to kill Sarah was reportedly tied to jealousy over her relationship with Ivano Russo, whom Sabrina allegedly liked.
According to La Stampa, Sabrina and Cosima Serrano were given life imprisonment for the murder, while Michele Misseri was given an eight-year sentence for concealing the body.
The Sun reported that after the court ruling, Michele Misseri continued claiming sole responsibility for the murder. When he was released from prison in 2024, he told the press:
"It was me, I killed her, I should stay here. I lied when I accused my daughter. I have been confessed a thousand and a thousand times."
"I didn't want to go out because it's not right, I'm the guilty one. This guilt makes me feel bad."
This is Not Hollywood focuses primarily on the investigation and the controversial media circus that transpired after her disappearance.
Who is in the cast of This is Not Hollywood
- Federica Pala as Sarah Scazzi
- Giulia Perulli as Sabrina Misseri
- Paolo De Vita as Michele Misseri
- Vanessa Scalera as Cosima Serrano
- Imma Villa as Concetta Serrano Spagnolo
- Anna Ferzetti as Daniela
- Giancarlo Commare as Ivano Russo
- Antonio Gerardi as Persichella
- Leonardo Bianconi as Claudio Scazzi
- Geno Diana as Bove
- Roberta Infantino as Valentina Misseri
- Mimmo Mancini as Giacomo Scazzi
- Lorenzo Sepalone as Alessio
- Ilaria Martinelli as Mariangela
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