Whiskey on the Rocks is a Swedish satirical miniseries set to premiere on Hulu in the United States and Disney+ in select countries on January 22, 2025. Directed by Björn Stein, the series is based on a story by Jonas Jonasson and written by Henrik Jansson-Schweizer.
Co-produced by SVT and The Walt Disney Company Nordic & Baltic, the show dramatizes the real-life incident in 1981 when the Soviet submarine U-137 ran aground in Swedish waters, leading to an 11-day diplomatic standoff that tested Sweden’s neutrality during the Cold War.
Blending humor with high-stakes drama, the series explores themes of power, diplomacy, and international relations, capturing both the absurdity and tension of the Cold War. With its unique approach, Whiskey on the Rocks reflects on historical events while resonating with modern global dynamics.
"A Swedish Prime Minister who was a sheep farmer who couldn’t speak a word of English"— Schweizer revealing gripping facts behind Whiskey on the Rocks explained
As reported by Deadline on January 20, 2025, Whiskey on the Rocks is based on the real-life incident involving the Soviet submarine U-137, which ran aground in Swedish waters in 1981. This incident caused a diplomatic crisis that brought East-West relations to a breaking point.
The possibility of nuclear escalation made the event particularly alarming. However, the team behind Whiskey on the Rocks approached the story with satire, blending humor and drama to recount this Cold War-era standoff. In an exclusive interview with Deadline, Jonas Jonasson said:
"Whiskey on the Rocks jokes about something as serious as when we stood on the threshold of a third world war, and it’s absolutely the right thing to do because the world needs more humor and self-awareness, not less.”
The series is based on a story by Jonas Jonasson, known for writing The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared. Speaking to Deadline, Jonasson described the event as both real and surreal, recalling how it captivated the world during the tense 10 days in October 1981. He explained:
“The submarine days in October 1981 were in every way as real as they were surreal. I was 20 years old at the time, and I remember how an entire nation and half the world held their breath for 10 whole days.”
The series sets its satirical tone from the very beginning. In the first episode, two Swedish fishermen take their time contemplating the bizarre sight of a massive foreign submarine stranded along their coast.
Meanwhile, scenes shift to President Reagan, wearing a cowboy hat and practicing his shooting skills on targets featuring Leonid Brezhnev’s face. On the other side, the Soviet leader is shown excessively drinking vodka and often losing track of his conversations.
Recreating the 1980s crisis for the screen presented several production challenges. Due to labor strikes in the United States, producers cast British actor Mark Noble as Ronald Reagan, sourcing their lead for the role of the U.S. President from the UK. For the Russian characters, the series features an entirely Lithuanian cast, with Kęstutis Stasys Jakštas taking on the role of Brezhnev.
Initially conceived as a straight drama, producer Patrick Nebout and screenwriter Henrik Jansson-Schweizer pivoted to satire after grappling with the event's absurd elements. As Jansson-Schweizer explained:
“We have Brezhnev, who was senile and alcoholic; Ronald Reagan, who was a new President at the time; and we had NATO. In between, we had a submarine that had hit the shore a stone’s throw from Sweden’s largest naval base, and there’s a Swedish Prime Minister who was a sheep farmer who couldn’t speak a word of English."
He further added:
"Try to make a thriller out of that. It’s impossible.”
According to Deadline, Whiskey on the Rocks premiered on SVT during the Christmas season, generating significant viewership for the Swedish public broadcaster. The series is set to release on Disney+ in the EMEA region on January 22, 2025, and on Hulu in the United States.
Directed by Björn Stein, this six-episode series combines political satire with dramatic undertones, featuring Rolf Lassgård as Swedish Prime Minister Thorbjörn Fälldin, Mark Noble as U.S. President Ronald Reagan, and Kęstutis Stasys Jakštas as Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev.
While Whiskey on the Rocks explores themes of diplomacy, power, and politics, the creators emphasize a non-partisan perspective. The series balances humor with high-stakes drama, aiming to make complex historical events accessible while reflecting on contemporary global issues.
Stay tuned for more updates.