AMC’s The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2, released on September 29, 2024, with its first episode “La Gentillesse des Étrangers.” The spin-off series was created by Davis Zabel, picking up right where the first season ended. As Daryl travels through France filled with zombies, the story gets more intense, with high stakes and emotional confrontations.
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2 presents the story of a young boy named Laurent, who many think might be the key to saving humanity. Daryl, despite being reluctant at first ends up being the protector of the boy, guiding him to the Nest. On this journey, Daryl makes new friends, like Isabelle. Meanwhile, Carol is determined to find him, setting the stage for an emotional reunion.
In the first episode of season 2, the viewers will see Carol's determination to reunite with Daryl. After meeting Ash, who is a pilot and is dealing with the loss of his son, Carol tricks him by saying her daughter Sophia is alive in France.
This makes Ash agree to help her fly to France. However, their plans face a massive obstacle when a group of walkers attacks during a storm, putting their mission at risk. Will Ash take Carol to France if he gets to know the truth?
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2: What happened during the journey to France?
In the first episode of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2, the show quickly changes its focus to Carol's mission. After a tense encounter with a group of hostile survivors, Carol sees a plane flying close by and soon finds its pilot, Ash. She uses her mind and emotionally manipulates Ash as he grieves his son’s loss.
Carol tells him that her daughter Sophia is alive and in France, hoping he would sympathize with her. Ash, who made his plane to honor his son, agrees to take Carol on the flight, even though it’s risky. Right before they could fly, a big group of walkers sneaks into Ash’s place during a bad storm.
The walkers ruin some of their fuel, forcing them to fly with limited resources. Now, the journey ahead looks much more dangerous, as they’ll need to make multiple stops to refuel, adding a layer of uncertainty to their mission.
While Carol appears to be confident, her inner conflict due to the lies she has used to convince Ash is troubling her. She feels guilty about using Ash’s grief and her own dead daughter’s name as her motive. However, her lie might not stay hidden for long. The first episode ends with fans wondering how far Carol will go to find Daryl.
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2: Why does Carol want to fly to France?
Daryl Dixon was last seen in France during The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1, after which Carol decided to go to France to find him. Their friendship, which grew stronger during the tough times of the apocalypse, is one of the strongest relationships in the whole Walking Dead world.
Carol knows that Daryl's journey has been difficult, especially since he is taking care of Laurent. Daryl's time in France has been tough. After arriving, he gets involved in a conflict with Genet, who wants all the power in France and sees Laurent as a threat to her ambitions. The conflict turns into a series of troubles for Daryl and Carol is determined to help him navigate through it all.
Fans of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon can watch the new season of the show on AMC+ and Prime Video.