Those About to Die, an epic sword-and-sandal television series, delves into the brutal and captivating world of gladiators in Ancient Rome. The Colosseum, an iconic symbol of ancient Roman grandeur, plays a central role in this narrative. Known for its grandeur and historical significance, this majestic amphitheater is often called the Colosseum, but it is also known as the Flavian Amphitheater.
Built during the reign of the Flavian emperors, this monumental structure has a fascinating history that is deeply intertwined with the legacy of the Flavian dynasty. The most important reason why the Colosseum is also called the Flavian Amphitheater is because it's named after the people who constructed it, that is, the Flavian dynasty.
In modern entertainment, the historical intrigue of the Colosseum has inspired many works, including the recent television series Those About to Die, which features the barbaric gladiator fights that were held in the structure.
Streaming on Peacock and Amazon Prime Video, this series explores the dramatic recreations of gladiatorial combat and Roman political intrigue, showcasing the Colosseum, or the Flavian Amphitheater, not just as a backdrop but as a central character in its own right.
Exploring why the Colosseum is also called the Flavian Amphitheater in Those About To Die
The TV series Those About to Die is based on Rome's gladiator world so it is almost next to impossible to not mention the Colosseum. Although not many people know that the Colosseum's alternative name, the Flavian Amphitheater, directly references the dynasty of emperors who oversaw its construction.
The Flavian dynasty, consisting of Emperor Vespasian and his sons Titus and Domitian, ruled Rome from 69 AD to 96 AD.
Vespasian initiated the construction of the Colosseum around 70-72 AD, intending to gift the Roman people a grand venue for public spectacles. The project was completed in 80 AD under his successor and eldest son, Titus, with further modifications made during the reign of Domitian.
Flavian Amphitheatre is named after their family lineages. After Nero and the Year of the Four Emperors’ disorderly reigns saw Roman grandeur in decline, the Flavians saw this structure as an opportunity to leave a lasting architectural mark that would affirm their authority.
More details on the Colosseum, also called the Flavian Amphitheater, in Those About To Die
The Colosseum is the elliptical amphitheater or the Flavian Amphitheatre located at the center of Rome. Construction materials included travertine limestone, volcanic rock (tuff), and brick-faced concrete, indicating the advanced engineering and architecture of the time. With dimensions of approximately 189 meters by 156 meters and four stories high, it could accommodate between 50,000 to 80,000 spectators.
Originally called Amphitheatrum, it was later colloquially named Colosseum possibly due to a colossal statue of Nero, which stood nearby sometime back. By turning this sculpture into a solar deity representation and moving away from its original position, Emperor Hadrian merely contributed further to cementing the association between vastness and the Colosseum.
Among other things, there were gladiator battles, animal hunts, executions, and reenactments of famous battles held in the Colosseum.
Despite having suffered earthquakes and years of negligence over centuries, it remains one of Rome’s most popular tourist attractions and represents the great Roman Empire. To preserve this landmark structure for posterity, restoration work began in the early 90s, attracting millions of tourists annually since then.
Details on Those About to Die TV show
The television show Those About to Die is a sword and sandal epic series developed by Robert Rodat and directed by Roland Emmerich as well as Marco Kreuzpaintner. The series premiered on July 18, 2024, on Peacock and worldwide on Amazon Prime Video starting from July 19, 2024, based on the book of Daniel P. Mannix.
The title refers to the Latin phrase "Hail Emperor, those about to die salute you," which was a salutation used by gladiators.
This drama reveals the dark lives of gladiators in Ancient Rome, explaining the savage exhibitions within the Colosseum. The cast includes Anthony Hopkins starring as Emperor Vespasianos, Dimitri Leonidas playing Scorpus, Jojo Macari taking up Domitian Flavianus, and Gabriella Pession playing Antonia.
The story looks at politics, grudges, and the will to survive among individuals who fought and lost their lives in the arena.
Those About to Die is currently available to stream on Amazon Prime Video.