Amanda Antoni was found dead by her husband Lee Antoni on October 26, 2015. Lee found Amanda in the basement of their house, in a pool of blood, bruised and beaten up as shown in Netflix’s Unsolved Mysteries.
With the cause of death still undetermined to date, this mysterious and unresolved homicide stays inactive until a new lead is found.
Episode two of Netflix’s Unsolved Mysteries, titled Body in the Basement, delves deep into this murder mystery that was never solved.
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Amanda Antoni cause of death

Amanda Antoni was found dead by her husband Lee Antoni on October 26, 2015. Amanda and Lee lived in the community of Castle-ridge Canada, which was a crime-filled neighborhood.
Lee, after spotting Amanda in the basement, freaked out and ran upstairs to call 911 for help. Seargant Trent Petersen was the first officer to reach the crime scene. The officer found Lee shaking upon his arrival at the scene. Amanda’s dead body was in the basement, and there was a lot of blood on the floors and the walls.
Upon initial investigation, the detectives found that Amanda Antoni had a head injury and had suffered damage on the right portion of her face. There were multiple injuries on her body as well. Amanda Antoni was probably struck by something and this was not a natural death or a suicide.
At the scene, a chair was tipped over and a ceramic piggy bank was partially broken. Amanda’s phone was lying on the floor and was broken too. The pieces of the broken piggy bank were embedded in Amanda’s forehead as seen in episode 2 of Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix.
Her pants were pulled down and she was partially clothed, which made the detectives speculate that this could be a case of se*ual assault followed by murder. Nothing from the house was missing and there were no signs of a forced entry.
Who were the suspects?

Amanda Antoni was adopted by her foster parents when she was just 14 months old as revealed on Unsolved Mysteries. She was the heart of the family and was always the life of the house. She got introduced to Lee by a common friend, after which she later got married to him.
She had started her own business as Lee was unreliable and was often fired from jobs.
Amanda’s brother hinted at Lee being a suspect upon investigation and also revealed to the police how they had fights after their marriage.
However, when the officers interviewed Lee, they found out that he had left the residence on Friday and had gone to Saskatchewan. Amanda was supposed to go with him but she backed out as she wasn’t feeling well. Video evidence of Lee being outstation was also found, which proved his innocence.
Lee revealed how they were in constant touch via text messages as this was the first time the couple were spending nights away from each other.
On Saturday, he last spoke to Amanda and around 7:10 pm the call was weirdly disconnected. Lee tried reaching back but there was no response. On Sunday morning, Lee again tried to contact her unsuccessfully.
Lee’s sister was also taken in for interrogation by an experienced investigator as she had made threats to Amanda Antoni previously as seen on Unsolved Mysteries. However, even she was later cleared as no evidence was found against her at the scene.
The neighbour's, however, revealed that the dog was barking constantly the night Amanda was attacked. One of the neighbors had also heard yelling from inside the house and later saw a man running through Amanda’s yard.
The detectives also witnessed something unusual. Amanda was wearing fancy underwear while Lee was away. This made them think if she was having an affair that could have gone wrong and resulted in the killing. However, forensics had a different story to tell.
What did forensics reveal?
The forensics found no impression or footprints on the doors of the house. No footprint or shoe impression was also found at the scene, although the whole place was covered in blood.
On December 7, 2015, an autopsy report of Amanda revealed that there was cannabis in her system. The cause of death was blunt force trauma. She only had a broken right orbital bone and had no serious head injuries that could have killed her. The reports suggested that she must have died because of extreme blood loss.
All the DNA from the scene matched with only the victim's DNA so there was no lead found. It was also confirmed that she was not s*xually assaulted.
The Behavioral Science Investigations ruled out her death to be an accident. The accident theory suggested that Amanda Antoni could have fallen down the stairs or been pushed down by the culprit.
However, there are still questions about how she got the multiple bruises. Were they self-inflicted or was there someone trying to hurt her?
While some of the detectives, crime officers, and Amanda's family do not accept the accident theory, with no leads and the case now being inactive, we will have to wait longer for answers to the questions above.
To know more about Amanda Antoni's case, watch episode two of Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix.