Unsolved Mysteries is the latest crime documentary on Netflix which revived the popular show of the same name which originally started airing on NBC in 1987. Netflix released the latest offering of the crime-documentary series Unsolved Mysteries Volume 4 on July 31.
The five-episode volume 4 kept one of the most mysterious unsolved cases for the finale. The episode titled The Mothman Revisited takes a close look at the urban legend of Mothman. Mothman is a supernatural being whose lore originates from West Virginia. A mothman refers to a winged humanoid creature with moth-like features.
Unsolved Mysteries visited the topic of the winged creature back in 2002 with an emphasis on sightings of the creature around the areas of Point Pleasant and Chicago. The latest reported sighting of the Mothman as shown in Unsolved Mysteries was in April 2024, in Kane County, Illinois, by a man named Matt Sexton.
Episode 5 of Volume 4 of the Netflix series re-explores the mystery of the Mothman case, examining the pattern of reported sightings. Although it is yet to be uncovered exactly what or who the Mothman is, witnesses have provided a similar description of the creature. With the final episode of Volume 4 bordering on the paranormal, follow the article to learn about the last reported sighting of Mothman as per the episode.
Unsolved Mysteries - When was the last reported sighting of Mothman?
The Mothman is described as a slender, muscular, human-like figure with red glowing eyes and large wings. The creature's legend originated between 1966 and 1967 in Point Pleasant, West Virginia where a pair of couples, Steve and Mary Mallette and Linda and Roger Scarberry encountered the winged creature next to an abandoned TNT plant.
Since then the Mothman sightings witnessed a steady increase not only in Point Pleasant but also in surrounding areas such as Illinois. The legend of Mothman was not only limited to the USA but the lore also surfaced worldwide with popular sightings reported from disaster-affected areas such as Chernobyl and Fukushima.
As per Unsolved Mysteries, the last reported sighting of the Mothman has been in Kane County, Illinois. The reported sighting is from as close as April 29, 2024. As per the report, the witness named Matt Sexton reported the sighting as his third sighting of the creature in the area. He witnessed the Mothman fly over the roof of his truck and swooping across it multiple times.
As per the report, he first sighted the creature in 2023 on a certain night around 1:30 a.m. when he was driving his truck. He reportedly stopped his truck when a large branch from a tree fell near it, and then he looked up to see the winged humanoid creature with mouse-brown fur looking down from atop the tree.
The sightings of Mothman have been concentrated along a few areas across West Virginia and Illinois. Many people have been reluctant to report their sightings as they find it hard to believe it themselves and also let others believe it. However, there have been around 170 total reported sightings of the mythical creature since 2011 alone.
In the recently released episode of Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix, two paranormal investigators Tobias Wayland and Lon Strickler delve into the reports of these sightings as they continue their search for the elusive figure. The two investigators narrowed down specific areas where the creature had been sighted such as Chicago's O'Hare airport and Point Pleasant, West Virginia where the creature was reportedly sighted for the first time ever.
The episode explores the various theories surrounding the sightings although the near-identical features reported from across the area point towards the existence of the mythical creature, as per Wayland and Strickler.
Read more: Is Rockford's Mothman from Unsolved Mysteries real?
Catch Episode 5 of Volume 4 of Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix for a detailed look into the myth of the Mothman.