We Were Kings is a Mexican crime drama series created by Leticia López Margalli. The series, directed by Pepe Valle and Mauricio Lule, premiered on Netflix on September 25, 2024.
Javo, Mike, and Santos grew up in the same barrio in Mexico City. Malena, Santos’ mother, was Javo and Mike’s godmother, but when they grew up, both brothers fell in love with her. Javo and Malena get romantically involved, and when Santos finds out, he reacts violently and tries to shoot Javo. Unfortunately, during the confrontation, Santos gets shot and dies.
The show ends on a happy note as Javo tells the truth to his family about his criminal activities and his involvement in Santos' death. He manages to escape the mob and the cops with Mike's support. He returns to Mexico City and comes to Santos' grave, apologizing for keeping secrets. It is also revealed that Santos is the actual father of Heidi's son.
Javo comes clean to his family at the end of We Were Kings
Family, friendship, secrets, and consequences: Netflix's new family crime drama miniseries hovers around these complex themes. Set in a barrio of Mexico City, the show primarily tells the story of two brothers, Mike and Javo, and their childhood friend Santos. Mike is a police officer, and Santos is training under him to become an officer because he wants to help his mother, Malena, clear a debt of two hundred thousand pesos.
Javo steals cars with his uncle Taiguer, who works for a crime boss, Venegas. Javo and Malena are secretly involved in a romantic relationship, and when Santos discovers it, he tries to shoot Javo. In their confrontation, Javo accidentally shoots and kills Santos but tells Malena and Mike that Santos was mugged.
At the end of the show, Mike takes Javo to the family so he can tell them about all his wrongdoings. Javo comes clean and tells them about Santos's death and his involvement with criminals.
Heidi's baby was fathered by Santos in We Were Kings
Mike and Javo's sister Heidi is pregnant at the beginning of the show. She is preparing for medical school that she will attend after delivering the baby. In the end, Heidi confesses to Melena that her son Santitos' actual father is Santos.
In the final scene of We Were Kings, the entire family is gathered around Santos' grave. Heidi sits in front of the grave with her son Santitos in her arms and introduces him to his father. This shocks everyone for a few moments, but they have a positive reaction to the revelation.
Mike offers to be a father to Malena's son
We Were Kings mostly revolves around the forbidden relationship of Javo and Malena. But later it is revealed that Javo's brother Mike was also in love with Malena but never acted on his feelings. His confession of love becomes complicated when the secret affair between Javo and Malena is revealed.
Mike is in charge of Santos's case and soon finds out about Javo's involvement in his death. After forcing Javo to confront his family about his mistakes and receiving a promotion, he gives Malena the forensic report of his son, which says that the trigger was pulled by Santos and not Javo, so his death was an accident.
Malena still considers Javo to be responsible for Santitos' death because he should have listened to her and not told Santos about their affair. In the final moments of the series, at Santitos' grave, Mike offers to take care of Malena's unborn child like a father.
In the very next scene, which is also the final scene of the series, Javo comes to Santos' grave, revealing that he didn't board the bus out of Mexico City. He apologizes to Santos for keeping secrets, takes out spray paint, and defaces his grave with his graffiti.
Though there has been no confirmation regarding season 2 of We Were Kings, the makers have left a window open for its possibility with Javo's return to Mexico City. Malena's fate with the two brothers is also not concluded, and it is not assured if Javo will change his ways. So fans of the show have a lot to look forward to if Netflix goes ahead with the second season.
We Were Kings is currently streaming on Netflix.