The acclaimed German-language television series Maxton Hall — The World Between Us premiered on Amazon Prime Video on May 9, 2024. The series spans six episodes and is directed by Martin Schreier and Tarek Roehlinger with screenplay by Daphne Ferraro, Marc Schießer, Marlene Melchior, and others.
The series follows the will-they-won't-they romance between Ruby Bell (Harriet Herbig-Matten), a scholarship student at Maxton Hall, and James Beaufort (Damian Hardung), the richest boy at the prestigious school. The first season's popularity led to its renewal for a second season in May 2024.
According to Rotten Tomatoes, the show's synopsis is as follows:
"Ruby unwittingly witnesses an explosive secret at the public school Maxton Hall; as a result, the arrogant millionaire heir James Beaufort has to deal with the quick-witted scholarship student for better or worse."
The series is adapted from the book Save Me, the first book in the Maxton Hall book series written by German author Mona Kasten.
What book is Maxton Hall based on?
Season 1 of Maxton Hall is based on Mona Kasten's best-selling novel Save Me, which was released in February 2018. Save Me is the first book in the Maxton Hall book series, followed by two more books: Save You, published in May 2018, and Save Us, published in August 2018.
The young adult novels are originally written in the German language and have been translated into French, Italian, and Spanish languages. However, as of now, the book series has not been translated into English.
Plot Summary
The series begins with Ruby discovering a scandalous secret that puts her at odds with the handsome and rich, James Beaufort. As the story unfolds, the two gradually go from being enemies to lovers. However, James' father, Mortimer Beaufort, considers Ruby unworthy of his son and threatens him to end their relationship.
Meanwhile, James' sister Lydia has a secret affair with her professor, Mr. Sutton, and plans to run away with him, only to change her mind at the last minute. However, she is faced with a big crisis after finding out that she is pregnant with his child.
James is torn between his love for Ruby and his duties as a son and heir to the Beaufort fortune. After realizing his strong feelings for Ruby, James breaks away from his father and decides to do what he wants for once in his life.
Cast and characters
The show's cast list is given below:
- Harriet Herbig-Matten as Ruby Bell
- Damian Hardung as James Beaufort
- Sonja Weißer as Lydia Beaufort
- Eidin Jalali as Graham Sutton
- Fedja van Huêt as Mortimer Beaufort
- Justus Riesner as Alistair Ellington
- Andrea Guo as Lin Wang
- Runa Greiner as Ember Bell
- Martin Neuhaus as Angus Bell
- Julia-Maria Köhler as Helen Bell
- Ben Felipe as Cyril Vega
- Govinda Gabriel Cholleti as Keshav 'Kesh' Patel
- Clelia Sarto as Cordelia Beaufort
All six episodes of the series are available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video.