Netflix aired the documentary Caught in the Web: The Murders Behind Zona Divason on September 5, 2024. This highly-anticipated docuseries will follow the real-life human trafficking network that has been operating through a website of the brothels named Zona Divas in Mexico City.
According to the India Times, the crime network reportedly deceived young women, coercing them into severe abuse and even murder while posing as an escort service.
The series deeply provides such crimes and events aftermath information, seeking to bring people to the discussion on further protection and justice regarding victims. Don't miss your chance to be part of this powerful documentary currently on Netflix.
All about Caught in the Web: The Murders Behind Zona Divas
The show is about how a human trafficking ring made use of Zona Divas as its cover for its illicit operation. Behind what seemed like an innocuous website offering escort services lay something far darker.
The Zona Divas Website
Zona Divas was initially marketed as a service that would make s*x workers more visible; thus, they charged them for advertising on the site. Women were asked to pay a membership fee in addition to signing a contract that included no se*ual exploitation. The truth was much more sinister.
This gang lured many women with promises of valid jobs from countries such as Argentina, Colombia, and Venezuela. On their arrival in Mexico City, they fell victim to se*ual exploitation among other extortionate means and abuse. Most of them had their passports confiscated and were obliged through the threat of violence to work as escorts.
The Murders
This series justifies the sad tales of several females who became victims of these exploitations and had to lose their lives. Amongst them, Brenda and Candice are the only two who managed to escape from Zona Divas, but that was quite challenging for them.
Wendy Cortes, Genesis, and Karen did not get that opportunity; they were brutally murdered by one of Zona Divas' clients or accomplices. Their murders exhibited the extreme levels of risk associated with being in such a predicament.
The series also encompasses the story of Andreina, who, in trying to get away from the exploitation, was murdered as an act of retaliation; Kenni was killed by a hired assassin who for a long period had blackmailed and tortured her.
The Investigation and Aftermath
However, among the most depressing things that come out of Caught in the Web: The Murders Behind Zona Divas is how thoroughly ineffective the Mexican police have been at dealing with these crimes. Even after multiple arrests, including that of Soni and different hitmen, the justice system has been slow, and even in many such cases, totally incapable of responding to that.
The ignominy also was that Soni had been arrested on a similar s*x trafficking operation once but managed to wriggle his way out of significant legal sentences. The corruption and inefficiency embedded with the law administration as shown in the documentary hampered specific action against them.
Where to watch Caught in the Web: The Murders Behind Zona Divas
Caught in the Web: The Murders Behind Zona Divas streamed exclusively on Netflix from September 5, 2024. It largely depends on the time zone, but most Netflix content comes online at midnight PT on the morning of its release date.
Here’s the release schedule across different time zones:
Caught in the Web: The Murders Behind Zona Divas, as the true title suggests, is going to stir quite a hornet's nest with its horrific realities of human trafficking and systemic corruption. Released on September 5, 2024, this documentary goes deep into the case of the murders of Zona Divas, along with other high-end exploitation and violence.