Going Dutch is an all-new American sitcom television show written by Joel Church-Cooper, who is renowned for his contributions to the writing of Brockmire. It's scheduled for its release on Fox on January 2, 2025. Its streaming will be available on Hulu the day after its premiere on Fox.
The series stars Denis Leary as Colonel Patrick Quinn, an outspoken, politically incorrect U.S. Army officer relocated to a Netherlands base that has no military use. He is also an executive producer for the show. Leary, known for his roles in Rescue Me and The Ref, brings his humor to the role of Colonel Quinn, adding a layer of authenticity to the character.
Taylor Misiak stars as Captain Maggie Quinn, the disciplined and alienated daughter of Colonel Patrick Quinn, while Danny Pudi plays XO Major Abraham Shah. Laci Mosley stars as Sergeant Dana Conway and Catherine Tate as Katja Vanderhoff.
It was produced by Amoeba Pictures in association with Fox Entertainment Studios. The first season has 10 episodes. It is a scripted comedy where it explores the dynamics of the relationship between a father and daughter in the military. It combines humor with themes of family reconciliation.
What is Going Dutch about?
Going Dutch is a new single-camera comedy starring Denis Leary as Colonel Patrick Quinn, a hard-headed and egotistical U.S. Army officer. After delivering an "epically unfiltered rant," Quinn is reassigned to a remote base in the Netherlands, a location with no guns, no weapons, and no tactical purpose.
In short, it's a faraway place from the war zones that he is used to, where he's spent the last three decades. But this eccentric base also has its perks, from a Michelin-star-level commissary to a world-class bowling alley and, arguably, the best fromagerie in the U.S. Army.
Tasked with restoring discipline to a team of misfit soldiers, Colonel Quinn is joined by his estranged daughter, Captain Maggie Quinn (Taylor Misiak), who served as the base's interim leader. Their tense relationship is one of the running gags as Quinn tries to instill military professionalism amidst the quirky culture of the base.
Aiding and abetting the Colonel is a cast of colorful characters, including Sergeant Dana Conway (Laci Mosley), the ingenious supply sergeant who turned the base into a slice of European heaven.
They are joined by Corporal Elias Papadakis (Hal Cumpston), a stubborn IT expert who would rather hack than salute, and Private Anthony "BA" Chapman, which stands for Below Average (Dempsey Bryk), a well-meaning but mentally challenged soldier prone to cracking under pressure.
With a cast of eccentric characters, cultural clashes, and Leary's trademark humor, Going Dutch will be a comedy in a most unique military setting.
Going Dutch : Viewing options explored
Going Dutch premieres on Fox on January 2, 2025, at 9:30 pm ET/PT. Internationally, the show airs at 8:30 pm CT, 7:30 pm MT, 2:30 am GMT, 3:30 am CET, and 8:00 am IST on January 3, 2025. Viewers in the U.S. can access Fox through cable providers or streaming platforms like Hulu + Live TV.
Hulu's current plans include Hulu (With Ads) + Live TV at $82.99/month and Hulu (No Ads) + Live TV at $95.99/month, though these prices are valid only in the U.S. International viewers should check local listings or platforms for availability and pricing.
Stay tuned for more updates on Going Dutch.