Law & Order SVU premiered on September 20, 1999, and has maintained its audience's interest with its consistent focus on complex narratives and character development. Among its notable characters is Dominick "Sonny" Carisi, portrayed by Peter Scanavino. Carisi's progression from detective to Assistant District Attorney has been a significant element of the series.
In season 26, the show explored Carisi's character further by addressing the effects of a hostage situation in a bodega. This storyline offered additional depth to his character and furthered his development within the series.
Carisi's journey in Law & Order SVU
Carisi first appeared in season 16 of Law & Order SVU as a transfer from Staten Island. He quickly became known for his dedication and empathy. Over time, his Catholic upbringing and legal studies shaped his approach to justice. By season 21, Carisi transitioned to ADA, a role that allowed him to further his passion for the law.
Carisi's challenges as ADA have often tested his resolve. Speaking about the character's internal struggles in a recent interview with TV Line, published on January 16, 2025, Peter Scanavino noted:
“The things that had given his life meaning before… had kind of disappeared. He was just walking through the world, going through the motions.”
These challenges came to a head after the traumatic bodega incident, where Carisi was held hostage, leaving him emotionally detached.
The midseason premiere of Law & Order SVU season 26 focused on Carisi's ongoing trauma. In an interview with TV Line, Scanavino stated that Carisi even asked himself if there was anything wrong with him and if he could recover from this. He had flashbacks and emotional turbulence as he tried to juggle his professional responsibilities with his personal issues.
Captain Olivia Benson and the rest of the squad played crucial roles in helping Carisi cope. Despite his resistance to traditional therapy, the support from his colleagues and family allowed Carisi to begin his path toward healing. Speaking about his character's therapy journey, Scanavino said to TV Line:
"I'm not quite sure how Carisi is processing it, but I think he is dealing with it after this episode, brick by brick."
Read more: Who is Kate Silva in Law & Order: SVU Season 26? Everything you need to know
Carisi's relationships in Law & Order SVU
The relationship between Carisi and Amanda Rollins has been the foundation of his character arc. Their growing dynamic added depth to the emotional spectrum. In the same interview, Scanavino pointed out that even the happiness of watching his children open their Christmas presents couldn't bring Carisi out of his shell. Rollins's consistency in being there for him amplified their relationship.
The couple's family life, highlighted in moments like a pizza shop visit after a tough day, underscores Carisi's resilience. These elements provide insight into his character and his efforts to balance personal relationships with his demanding professional life.
Why Carisi's arc matters
Carisi's development in the series highlights the realistic and layered storytelling that Law & Order SVU aims to deliver. This ongoing arc reflects the emotional and psychological toll of working in the justice system, a recurring theme of the series. By addressing these challenges, Carisi's journey serves as a lens for viewers to understand the complexities faced by legal professionals.
As Scanavino remarked in the TV Line interview, the character will move forward with resilience and dedication in the coming episodes.
Read more: When will new episodes of Law & Order: SVU Season 26 return? Everything you need to know
Catch the latest episode of Law & Order SVU on NBC.