The Philly Homicide episode, titled End of Watch, states the tragic murder of Corporal Michael Beverly, a dedicated Chester police officer who was killed in 2001 while on patrol. It's a true-crime series airing Saturdays at 9 p.m., exploring gripping murder cases from Philadelphia. Hosted by Lt. Chris Mullen, the series dives into real events with interviews and cinematic recreations.
Corporal Michael Beverly was shot and killed on October 16, 2001. The 36-year-old veteran officer was discovered with numerous gunshot wounds to the face and chest. His demise left his family and community in profound despair. His colleagues, motivated by loyalty and justice, endeavored tirelessly to unearth the truth regarding his murder.
This episode from Philly Homicide reveals the circumstances surrounding Corporal Michael Beverly's death and how investigators ultimately linked the murder to local gang violence. The investigation proved arduous, yet the case underscores the significance of commitment and tenacity in seeking justice.
End of Watch: Corporal Michael Beverly's murder
On October 16, 2001, Corporal Michael Beverly was standing by his unmarked police vehicle in Chester Gardens, a high-crime locale, when he sustained multiple gunshot wounds. Colleagues discovered Beverly supine, on the verge of death. His firearm remained secured in its holster, and his car keys were still grasped in his hand. Michael Beverly didn't survive despite efforts to rescue him.
Investigators swiftly discerned that it wasn't a common occurrence. Corporal Michael Beverly served in the Chester Police Department for 11 years and was an esteemed officer. The murder astonished the community, especially his colleagues, who promptly commenced the investigation.
A dedicated officer and family man
Corporal Michael Beverly was not just an officer but a devoted family man, with a wife and five children. His dedication to his community extended beyond his professional life. He had worked closely with local youth, trying to guide them away from crime, including mentoring Maurice Day, a young man from the neighborhood.
Beverly had previously lost a partner, Connie Hawkins, in 1993. The tragedy left a deep mark on him, and he wore a bracelet in Hawkins' memory.
The Gang connection: Boyle Street Boys
As the police looked into the case, they focused on the Boyle Street Boys, a well-known gang in Chester. The gang was known for using violence to keep their drug territory under their control. Senior members of the gang often talked about getting rid of people they saw as threats, and because they were loyal to each other, they were tough enemies.
Corporal Michael Beverly may have died because he was trying to help young people, like Maurice Day, become better people. Beverly tried to keep Day, who was 18, from joining the gang. The link could have been an unfortunate reason for Beverly's death.
There were many obstacles throughout the investigation. Chester was a rough city where people were afraid to talk to the police for fear of getting in trouble. People were afraid to speak out because the Boyle Street Boys had made the area unsafe. This "wall of silence" made it tough for investigators.
Detectives refused to give up, though, as they were set on getting Corporal Michael Beverly justice. But as time went on, the case went cold, which caused a lot of pain in the community.
A break in the case: Witness Testimony
In October 2002, a woman who had been arrested on drug charges, said that she witnessed Maurice Day shooting Corporal Michael Beverly. Her testimony was a significant development in the case.
The prosecutor contended that Beverly was murdered by Day as a result of the Boyle Street Boys' pressure. Day was apprehensive about being branded a "rat" as a result of Beverly's friendship with his mother.
The case highlighted the dangers of peer pressure in gang culture. Day, once a mentee of Beverly, had been driven to murder by gang loyalty and fear. Although the motive remains unclear, Day’s actions ended the life of a man who had tried to guide him to a better path.
Corporal Michael Beverly's death was a tragedy that didn't need to happen. It shocked his family, friends and others in Chester. Even though it was difficult to do the investigation, Maurice Day's arrest eventually made things better.
Philly Homicide is available to stream on Oxygen.