Miss Scarlet and the Duke is a British-American criminal drama set in Victorian London. Rachael New created the series, which stars Kate Phillips as Eliza Scarlet and Stuart Martin as William, William, The Duke Wellington, two detectives who solve murder cases. The first season premiered in 2020 in the United Kingdom.
On January 12, 2025, the fifth season of the show debuted, but it was retitled Miss Scarlet, and Tom Durant-Pritchard's character, Inspector Alexander Blake, took Stuart Martin's place as The Duke.
Inspector William Wellington, aka The Duke, has departed Miss Scarlet and The Duke in season 5. He moved to New York City for a fresh start, and Alexander Blake took over his position at Scotland Yard.
More about Inspector Wellington’s role on Miss Scarlet and the Duke
Stuart Martin, who previously played Inspector William Wellington (The Duke), will not return for Miss Scarlet and The Duke season 5. After four seasons, Martin felt it was time for a change. He noted that it was a difficult decision, but he believed the tale needed to take new turns without his role.
Martin's departure allows the show to introduce new difficulties and dynamics into Eliza's journey.
The Duke's departure from Scotland Yard and his subsequent relocation to New York City for a fresh start are explained by the show's plot. Tom Durant Pritchard's character, Alexander Blake, is given more room as a result.
The Duke's position at Scotland Yard is taken over by Blake, a former soldier and detective inspector.
When Eliza, the protagonist, first meets Blake, she is relieved to learn that he supports her career as a private investigator. She quickly learns, though, that he forbids private investigators from working on his cases.
Their relationship becomes complex as a result of their encounters at murder scenes, where they come to respect and even like one another.
While Stuart Martin's departure is a significant change, he hinted that it may not be permanent. Martin stated that he is open to returning to the show in the future, giving fans hope for a possible comeback of The Duke.
Season 5 of Miss Scarlet and The Duke will be different without the Duke, but it will also introduce new storylines and characters. Eliza will confront new problems and continue to mature, with Alexander Blake playing a vital role in her path.
Fans may expect intriguing developments as Eliza navigates the future without her long-term partner.
Additional details about Miss Scarlet and The Duke
Kate Phillips, who portrays Eliza Scarlet in Miss Scarlet and The Duke, is the major character. In Victorian London, Eliza is a bold and intelligent lady aspiring to work as a private investigator.
Because women weren't meant to perform this type of labor, she faces several obstacles. William The Duke Wellington, a Scotland Yard detective with a complex relationship with Eliza, is portrayed by Stuart Martin. Although they collaborate, they occasionally compete.
Other notable cast members include Cathy Belton as Ivy and Simon Ludders as Mr. Potts, both of whom play significant roles in the tale. Ansu Kabia plays Moses, and Tim Chipping plays DS Phelps, both members of the police team that interacts with Eliza and The Duke.
Tom Durant Pritchard plays Detective Inspector Alexander Blake, a new character introduced in season 5. He succeeds The Duke at Scotland Yard, and his connection with Eliza adds additional problems and chemistry to the program.
Other actors, such as Felix Scott and Paul Bazely, contribute to the series by adding new characters and dimensions to the plot.
Read More: Miss Scarlet season 5: Full cast list explored