The upcoming new installment of Very Scary People season 6 focuses on the story of professional boxer Yathomas Riley and his ex-girlfriend Koketia King. As reported by CBS News, Koketia King was found unconscious in her Homestead, Florida apartment with a gunshot wound to her head in June 2010.
Koketia King survived but suffered permanent damage. Specific details about the nature of her permanent injuries are not publicly disclosed.
Initially, she accused her boyfriend, Yathomas Riley, of shooting her. However, as per CBS News, Riley claimed that King had killed herself after he confronted her about her alleged relationship with an inmate and involvement in tax fraud.
Very Scary People's episode featuring their story will be released on January 19, 2025, on Investigation Discovery. It will examine the complexities of the case, highlighting the challenges faced by investigators and the media attention surrounding the incident. Season 6 is produced by Stage 3 Productions and directed by Jason Sklaver.
Who is Koketia King and what happened to her?
Koketia King is a resident of Homestead, Florida, and the former girlfriend of professional boxer Yathomas Riley. According to CBS News, their relationship took a turn on June 14, 2010, when King was found in her apartment with a gunshot wound to the head.
Koketia King survived the gunshot but suffered permanent damage, which left her unable to testify effectively in court. While she had accused Riley of shooting her during an argument, Riley denied the allegations, claiming that King had killed herself. He alleged that the confrontation stemmed after he discovered her involvement in fraudulent activities.
Investigators faced challenges in gathering consistent evidence, as King provided conflicting statements about the incident. Riley was arrested and charged with attempted murder and spent two years in jail. However, according to Miami New Times, the charges were dropped in August 2012 due to insufficient evidence to support the prosecution.
The case remains a subject of public intrigue and scrutiny, with debates over the circumstances surrounding the shooting. Koketia King’s life post-incident has been marked by her recovery struggles and the unresolved nature of the case.
Where is Yathomas Riley now?
Yathomas Riley is a former professional boxer from South Florida. Famous for his triumphs in the ring, he was a National Golden Gloves champion in 2007. However, outside the ring, his life was embroiled in legal troubles.
He spent two years in jail until the charges of attempted murder of his ex-girlfriend (Koketia King) were dropped in 2012 for lack of evidence. According to the report by the Miami New Times, Riley was once more associated with a crime in 2015. He was implicated in the killing of his wife, Dr. Lisa Riley, who was found dead in their home in Leesburg, Georgia.
The case highlighted Riley's connections to a greater network of criminal activities, which included drug trafficking. He was subsequently convicted of her murder and sentenced to life without parole, plus an additional 40 years. The case continues to draw public interest due to its complexity and Riley's dramatic fall from grace.
Very Scary People is available to watch on Investigation Discovery.