What If...? season 2 has become a popular second installment for Marvel's series that revolves around alternate universes and storylines involving characters from the canon universe. The show built upon season 1 and a few characters introduced in these new timelines, including Captain Carter (Peggy Carter if she took the super soldier serum), and an alter-ego of Doctor Strange as the Sorceror Supreme (an evil version of the character).
The show was, once more, narrated by the entity known as the Watcher, someone who observes the timelines but promises not to interfere with their outcomes. Before the newest season 3 releases via Disney+, fans might want to revisit the plots and intricacies in What If...? season 2. Let's dive in!
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers for What If...? season 2.
What If...? season 2: All alternate storylines to the Marvel Universe in the second installment explored
Guardians and the Galaxy
The first episode of What If...? season 2 revolved around Ronan the Accuser and his coup from the first installment of Guardians of the Galaxy. It explored how Nebula was recruited by the Nova Corp, and how she had to protect Xandar from the forces against it.
The second episode focused on what might have happened if the Ravagers took Peter Quill to his father Ego instead of keeping him with Yondu. After years of aiding Ego on his intergalactic conquests, Quill returned to Earth, where he met Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, King T'Chaka, Bucky Barnes, Hank Pym, and Hope van Dyne.
With some assistance from Thor, Peter Quill finally managed to stand up against his manipulative father.
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The Avengers reimagined
The third episode of the series revolved around Happy Hogan at Avengers Tower during Christmas. Justin Hammer broke into the tower to steal some technology but ended up injecting Happy with Bruce Banner's gamma-infused blood instead. Still retaining his intelligence, Happy managed to keep the Tower secure, gaining praise from the Avengers.
Episode four went back to the 2012 Avengers film when Tony Stark saved New York by redirecting the missile through the wormhole. However, instead of falling back on Earth, he crash-landed on Sakaar. In an interesting mission with Korg, Gamora, and Valkyrie, Stark built a new Iron Man suit on Sakaar, overthrowing the Grandmaster's regime.
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Shielding S.H.I.E.L.D
Episode five of What If...? season 2 focused on Captain Carter and Natasha Romanoff finding a brainwashed Steve Rogers inside his Hydra Stomper armor from season 1 during a mission on the Lemurian Starship. Slowly gaining their trust, Steve agreed to try and help them take down the nefarious Red Room.
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Period Dramas
The next twist in the plot was during episode six when the characters found themselves in a period setting. After Surtur destroyed Asgard in Ragnarok, the Tesseract landed in a lake in the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.
The story revolves around two young Mohawk siblings Kahhori and Wáhta figuring out the magical properties of the Infinity Stone. Soon after the end of the episode, they were approached by Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme.
Episode seven showed Odin banishing Hela instead of Thor, making her land in medieval China. She joined the armies of Xu Wenwu, attempting to prove her worth and make her way back home. Seeing her efforts, Odin appeared on Earth himself and joined his daughter's side in battle.
Episode eight of What If...? season 2 also focused mainly on a period theme: the Elizabethan era. Captain Carter was transported to the era and met Wanda Merlin and Sir Nicholas Fury. She was seen saving Prince Loki and was even hunted by Sir Harold "The Happy" Hogan under King Thor's orders. The story also featured versions of Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, and Scott Lang as outlaws.
Episode nine followed the story of the previous episode for the finale. After returning from the Elizabethan era, Captain Carter was approached by Doctor Strange. He asked for her help to capture an escaped variant. However, Captain Carter unearthed Strange's nefarious plans after meeting Kahhori.
At this point, the Watcher intervened in the storyline, taking Kahhori home and restoring order to the timelines after a battle with a demonic Strange.
Also read: What If...? season 3 complete release schedule: All episodes and when they arrive
Audiences can watch What If...? season 2 streaming online via Disney+. The first episode of season 3 of the show shall be released via the platform on December 22, 2024.